🌟 News and Releases in Mergado

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Wednesday 10 July 2024 12:30


  • :new: Users can now give us feedback directly when creating a new project. You can upload a video or even take a screenshot.
  • :straight_ruler: In rules and queries, you can use indexing for Element-Path and MQL. Entry is done with #. For example: PARAM { NAME = "Color" } #{ 2 }. In a previous version of Mergado, this would correspond to the PARAM|Color|2 notation. You can use indexing, for example, to select products with multiple identical parameters or to merge identical parameters into one. For these purposes, you cannot use @@position, which cannot target different positions.
  • :triangular_ruler: We have added a Set shipping rates rule for all language versions of a given format that has predefined carriers. The condition is that the Mergado XML | DELIVERY element must be mapped.
  • :mag_right: Users who have Verified by Customers (from Heureka) will correctly get an error about missing certificate after statistics processing if they don’t have it.
  • :bug. It was also displayed for clients from other countries.
  • And other minor fixes and improvements.


  • :bug: We fixed a bug where the vendor profile page (third-party developer) might not display correctly.

You may experience minor Mergado outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Thursday 25 July 2024 12:30


  • :new: We added a new section to the Regeneration page in the project settings that allows you to run rules only on tracked products.
  • :key: In Keychain, we’ve addressed a situation where disconnecting or connecting one Google service to a given online store could disconnect other connections of the same Google account with other online stores in Mergado.
  • :email: we added the name of the online store and a link to the online store itself to the email informing about the tariff increase.
  • We modified the behavior of generating ITEMGROUP_ID when splitting variants into Shoptet format. Now the value has a maximum of 36 characters and the allowed characters match the reg expression [0-9a-zA-Z_-].
  • When converting data from Mergado XML to Kaufland Marketplace - Inventory CSV [PL] and Kaufland Marketplace - Inventory XML [PL] format, the value PLN is added to the currency element.
  • :rocket: We are also continuing to spend time optimizing and speeding up the process of importing the input feed and applying rules.
  • :male_detective: On the Rules page, you can now filter by an element even if its name contains a colon, spaces or hyphen.
  • :bug: When running an automation (previously a macro) containing a non-existent element-path (element-path) in a project, the correct error message is now displayed instead of the generic HTTP 500 error. We also fixed the behavior of checkboxes when running automation.
  • In :package: In queries, we fixed cases where the operator for the element value length did not work correctly with values that contained multiple lines (with the newline now counting as 2 characters).


  • Endpoint https://api.mergado.com/projects/{id}/ now returns field in_testing_mode.
  • For Safari browsers, we have enabled allow-modals in the IFRAME viewport of the app, i.e. Safari browsers should now be able to create modal windows inside the IFRAME app.

You may experience some minor Mergado outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Wednesday 14 August 2024 12:30



  • :hammer_and_wrench: We have made several new features available to users on the project settings page:
    1. The project can now be moved under another online store.
    2. The project can now be duplicated under the same or different online store.
    3. A project can now be generated with a new output URL (automatically composed of the online store name, project and a random security string).

    :warning: This is a destructive and irreversible operation, after which after the next export of the output feed the output file will be at the new URL and the file at the old URL will no longer be available. So you need to take this into account and adjust the settings of any downstream services that work with this output URL.

  • :apple: We are deploying a brand new component to automatically detect the input feed format within the [create new project] wizard(Login - Accounts).
  • :rules: The Data file import rule has received further optimizations. This is made possible by the fact that in the vast majority of cases, pairing (how to determine which row in a data CSV should modify which product in Mergado) is done by input values of elements.
    • In some cases, if you really need to pair by output values, this can be redefined in the rule settings.
  • The :timer_clock: option unlocks the user re-generation scheduler settings. You can now set up to 5 clock slots with a minimum of 3 hours apart.
  • :straight_ruler: When editing a rule of type Remove parameter values, the form threw an error if the user tried to delete one whole line in the rule settings via the icon.
  • :triangular_ruler: For rule type Set shipping rates, we also improved the rule form - it now doesn’t show the button to delete rows when there are zero rows, it doesn’t show the checkbox for COD price for formats that don’t support it, and we also fixed some messages.
  • :pen: when creating new elements on the Elements page, you can now create an element whose name starts with an underscore.
  • And other small things and improvements.

:wrench: Platform

  • Fixed the endpoint https://api.mergado.com/users/{user_id}/formats/{format_id}

You may experience minor Mergad outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Wednesday 28 August 2024 12:30


  • :rocket: We’ve spent time and space exploring other possibilities for optimizing the application of rules, which - without unnecessary technical details - has once again borne fruit.
  • :green_apple: Loading element values for whispering (e.g. in the queries form on the Products page or in some input fields for some rule types) should now be generally faster.
  • :adhesive_bandage: On the Products page, we have handled situations where if the user used indexing when entering “custom MQL”, e.g. PARAM { NAME = "Color" } #{ 2 }, the indexing information was lost when switching to the simple interface.
    • In this case, it is now not possible to switch to simple view (simple interface does not support indexing settings for now).
  • :package: On the Products page, we have fixed some inconsistent data display when working with product variants (resolved via rule Merge Variants.
  • UI: We have unified the fonts in some form input fields.
  • :spiral_notepad: UI: The display of items in selectboxes with many items should now be more crisp.
  • And lots of other little things.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Deployment date and time

Wednesday 11 September 2024 12:30


  • :rocket: We’ve been working on optimizing the re-generation of your projects again. This time we have sped up the evaluation of MQL , queries in preparation before applying rules.
  • :package: For projects with the output format Google Sheets, the name of the output CSV (which is uploaded to Google Sheets) will now be named after the "output file name " (as with other formats) and no longer the name of the online store and project. This used to cause problems after renaming the online store or project in Mergado (uploading a CSV with a different name).
    • This only applies to projects created after 12/9/2024.
  • :hammer_and_pick: We fixed a bug where changing the name of an element did not reflect its usage in saved rules and queries if it was used with indexing (e.g. PARAM { NAME = "Color" } #{ 2 }).
  • :green_apple: We’ve improved the UI and functioning of the components for importing queries and rules.
  • And other minor improvements and fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • :black_flag: It is now possible to set the is_dirty flag on products, which tells Mergado that rules should be applied to the product on the next re-generation even if it was unchanged on the last import.
    • Supported endpoints:
      • https://api.mergado.com/products/<id>
        • A PATCH with {"is_dirty": true} sets this flag to the given product.
      • https://api.mergado.com/queries/<id>/products/
        • A PATCH with {"is_dirty": true} sets this flag to all products of the query.
  • :restroom: user entities returning from the API have new phone, invocing_validity_date, avatars fields.
  • :biking_man: Endpoint https://api.mergado.com/users/ is now accessible with offline token:
    • Offline token apps bound to online store
      • Returns all users who have access to the online store.
    • Offline token apps bound to projects
      • All users who have access to the project’s online store will be returned.
    • Offline token apps bound to users
      • Returns the user for whom the app is enabled.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Deployment date and time

Wednesday 25 Sep 2024 12:30


  • :rocket: The Data file import rule optimization, which we recently tested on a fraction of projects, is now enabled for all projects.
  • :balloon: This release ends the period of automatic conversion of projects to Mergado 2, as all projects have been successfully converted to the new version. :sparkler:
  • :male_detective: We fixed a bug in evaluation of MQL queries with the IN operator used, which could occur in a specific case if elements were used in a condition that were not present in some products.
  • :avocado: We have added the ability to filter input/output queries in the queries import interface.
  • :1234: We’ve modified the way product counts are calculated and displayed when applying rules that target selections to output, so that the final output correctly reflects the number of products to which the rule was actually applied.
  • :adhesive_bandage: In the list of selections on the Products page, the number of products for a selection could be displayed as NaN. This has been corrected.
  • :candy: We added icons and logos for some additional external services.
  • And other minor improvements and fixes.

You may experience minor Mergado outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Wednesday 9 October 2024 12:30


  • :green_apple: Updated specifications for a number of formats.
    • Formats Skroutz:
      • We now support the `variations** element and its subelements.
      • We now offer local versions of the format for countries: Cyprus, Romania and Malta.
    • :anchor: For WooCommerce CSV format, we now support the Shipping class element (with Mergado XML meaning SHIPPING_LABEL).
    • :art: For Pinterest formats (both XML and CSV) we now:
      • We support the description_html element.
      • For projects with this format in the output, we now allow in Project Settings to set the URL to be inserted in the <link> element in the header of the output XML feed.
    • For Kaufland formats:
      • :money_mouth_face: we support the vat_indicator element, with the meaning of the Mergado XML element VAT.
    • :dizzy_face: We no longer support the Shopalike and Ladenzeile formats as input or output formats.
    • :dizzy_face: We no longer offer the version of Shopzilla that was valid until 2021 as a possible input format.
  • :package: The Rules page now displays a list of the first 10 quereis targeted by the rule when mousing over the queries icon of the rule.
  • :male_detective: The search text by app name in the Mergado Store after clicking on the app detail was incorrectly transferred to the search box for the entities for which the app can be turned on/off. This has been fixed.
  • :hammer: We fixed a bug in create new project wizard that could occur if the input feed file was in JSON format.
  • :elements: The display of product elements within the feed audit could look “splashy”. We have fixed this.
  • And other minor fixes and improvements.

Platform :wrench:

  • :clipboard: We added an attribute allow="clipboard-write self <origin url>; clipboard-read" to the <iframe> element of the app viewport, which should allow the app inside the iframe to use Clipboard API.

You may experience minor Mergado outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Wednesday 23 October 2024 12:30


  • :star: We support new format: :hungary: Freeland.hu.
  • :star2: We support several new formats for new integration Luigi’s Box.
    • Formats Luigi’s Box - Product, Luigi’s Box - Category (categories) and Luigi’s Box - Brands (brand).
    • For these countries:
      • :czech_republic: Czech Republic
      • :uk: United Kingdom
      • :slovakia: Slovakia
      • :poland: Poland
      • :de: Germany
      • :fr: France
      • :it: Italy
      • :portugal: Portugal
      • :es: Spain
      • :earth_africa: Global
  • :apple: Feed Audit: We have substantially revised the audits of the :czech_republic: Heureka.cz and :slovakia: Heureka.sk formats, where we have added new validators, updated warning messages, and also updated the current added articles with this issue, which now often include help videos.
  • :hammer_and_pick: We fixed the incorrect behavior of the Set product parameters rule for products that contained multiple variants
  • :custom_format: We improved the behavior of the custom format form.
    • When editing an existing custom format, the custom category tree is no longer automatically (and incorrectly) checked even if the format does not have it set
    • In the case of custom format for CSV files, we now do not check the setting of the CHANNEL element and do not pop up an unnecessary message about the need to fill it.
    • And other small things.
  • :information_source: In the Merge Variant rule form, there is now a link to a more detailed description and help for the rule.

Platform :wrench:

  • :truck: In the API, the output_changed_at information is now updated even if the input has changed, even if Mergado did not change it further afterwards.
  • :parachute: We now handle situations where multiple concurrent requests to delete an element would come to the API within a single project, which could sometimes result in deadlock.
  • :green_apple: The endpoint https://api.mergado.com/projects/<id>/products/ can now be used for filtering by supplied MQL (i.e. to get products by some MQL, it is no longer necessary to create - and then often delete - a query in the API beforehand).
    • This can both be done via the GET parameter: https://api.mergado.com/projects/<id>/products/?mql=GIFT=123,
    • or via a POST request with JSON payload, i.e. send a POST JSON {'mql': 'GIFT = 123'} to https://api.mergado.com/projects/<id>/products/.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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New version of Mergado

:christmas_tree: This is the last planned release before the Christmas break.

Release date and time

Wednesday 6 November 2024 12:30


  • :green_apple: We have added support for new format :hungary: Treningers.hu.
  • :apple: For the Google Merchants and Google Product Review formats, we have added support for :bulgaria: Bulgaria and :ukraine: Ukraine.
  • :pineapple: We’ve updated the Upgates formats.
    • The PRICE_ORIGINAL element is now converted to Mergado XML element PRICE_VAT (price incl. VAT).
  • :tshirt: We have updated the rules for the Feed Audit formats of the Glami family.
  • :couch_and_lamp: For the FAVI format, the categories for CZ, SK, HU, RO, PL have been updated and new categories have been added for IT, HR, SE, UK.
  • :1234: In the [create new project] wizard(Login - Accounts) we refined the estimate of the number of items in the feed before the initial import.
  • :elements: the create new project wizard now also proposes matching elements with the correct case (as in the input file).
  • :articulated_lorry: The Set transport price rule for Google and Facebook family formats did not always produce the correct complete structure for transport elements. This is now fixed and the g:country element is now also set.
  • The :exploding_head: we fixed a bug that could cause the number of products to which a particular rule was applied to display negative in marginal cases when applying rules.
  • :male_detective: We fixed a marginal case of strange behavior of MQL queries when the query targets the emptiness of input values of multiple elements (e.g. IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE = ""), when at the same time a value was added to the given multiple element during a previous rule application.
  • And other minor fixes and improvements.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

New version of Mergado

:coffee: After the Christmas break, welcome back to our regular Mergado news parties!

Over the :christmas_tree: Christmas we have been busy not only cleaning up the code after the old “Mergado 1” system (all projects are now running on “Mergado 2”), which will make it easier to develop new features for Mergado, but of course we have already prepared a batch of nifty new features for you.

Release date and time

Wednesday 29.1.2025 12:30

New formats

  • :apple: We have updated the Mergado XML specification to version 1.11.
    • New elements:
      ▪ AGE_GROUP
      ▪ DEPOT
        - NAME
      ▪ PATTERN
      ▪ VOUCHER
        - CODE
    • Full PDF specification here.
  • :office_worker: For Kaufland Marketplace format, we now know the elements for GPSR: product_safety_contact.name, product_safety_contact.address, product_safety_contact.url, product_safety_contact.email_address, product_safety_contact.phone_number.
  • :star2: We have updated converters for many formats.
    • :small_orange_diamond: CSV formats integration Shoptet:

      • Element itemConditionDescription :arrow_right: is converted with Mergado XML meaning CONDITION_DESCRIPTION.
      • itemConditionGrade :arrow_right: CONDITION.
        • If Shoptet CSV format is used as output format, this element is only populated if it has the values used and refurbished.
      • The STOCK_QUANTITY element is (already) converted to the STOCK element. However, if there is an element with the meaning DEPOT | NAME, its value is put into the CSV element name as follows: stock:%DEPOT | NAME%.

        Example: stock:Warehouse Prague. The corresponding value from DEPOT | STOCK_QUANTITY is then written in the value of this element. And if there is a stock:%DEPOT | NAME% element with a value in the output, the value of the stock element is no longer filled in.

    • :small_orange_diamond: Billiger integration formats:

      • voucher_text :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE and also VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
      • age_group :arrow_right: AGE_GROUP.
      • pattern :arrow_right: PATTERN.
    • :small_orange_diamond: CSV integration formats Idealo and Check24.de:

      • voucherCode :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE and also VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
      • discountPrice :arrow_right: PRICE_DISCOUNT_VAT.
      • EEC_efficiencyClass :arrow_right: ENERGY_CLASS.
    • :small_orange_diamond: Formats Price, Ideal and Jeffiny:

      • inStoreAvailability | store DEPOT | NAME.
      • inStoreAvailability | quantity DEPOT | STOCK_QUANTITY.
      • attributes | ageGroup :arrow_right: AGE_GROUP.
      • couponCode :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE.
      • coupon :arrow_right: VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
    • :small_orange_diamond: format Moebel:

      • art_gutscheincode :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE.
      • art_gutscheintext :arrow_right: VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
      • art_store_id :arrow_right: `DEPOT | NA
        • Note: In case of multiple warehouses, the record is separated by a slash; e.g. Brno|Prague|Ostrava.
      • art_inventory :arrow_right: DEPOT | STOCK_QUANTITY.
        • Note: For multiple warehouses, multiple records are separated by a pipeline; e.g. 080|100|023.
      • art_eCPC :arrow_right: CPC.
      • art_effizienzklasse :arrow_right: ENERGY_CLASS.
    • :small_orange_diamond: format Shopping:

      • Coupon_Code :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE.
      • Coupon_Code_Description :arrow_right: VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
    • :small_orange_diamond: Shopzilla and Pricegrabber formats:

      • Age Group :arrow_right: AGE_GROUP.
      • Pattern :arrow_right: PATTERN.
    • :custom_format: Converter for custom formats now better handles multiple images. If there are multiple elements with IMAGE meaning in the input, only the first one is converted as IMAGE. The others are then converted as IMAGE_ALTERNATIVE.

:green_apple: Shopify integration

  • We are releasing the first version of a new integration for importing products from Shopify.
  • This can be accessed through the create new project wizard, where you’ll also find a link on the site to instructions on where to find and set up the accesses in Shopify that Mergado will need.

:male_detective: New output feed audit panel

  • On the project overview page, there is a brand new dashboard with a quick overview of the results of output feed audit for your project.

  • We’ve also now added the ability to automatically start auditing the output feed after the initial processing of a project is complete at the end of the create new project wizard.

More news

  • :rocket: **We have accelerated the evaluation of MQL queries that use the @@MERGADO_ID pseudo-element in the condition.
  • :hammer: An error could occur when applying the Merge Variants rule. This has been fixed.
  • :lollipop: Mergado Store: A non-logged-in user can switch between available languages using a switch directly on the Mergado Store site.
  • :adhesive_bandage: In the simple MQL queries interface on the Products page, we fixed values overflowing outside their designated field.
  • Automation: A new element that should have been made hidden by automation (macro) was not being made hidden. We have fixed this.
  • On the Products page, the handle icon was not showing on the product attribute listing, even though the attribute value was entered as a manual change. We have fixed this.

You may experience minor Mergado outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us