Category Topics

Help Center

Get answers to your questions about specific parts of Mergado and current trends in bidding, pricing, and image marketing. The Help Center will help you with all major e-commerce activities.

Product Search Engines and advertising systems

Do you need to know how to set specific feeds for Google Shopping or ShopAlike? Are you interested in the specifics of advertising settings on specialized channels such as GLAMI, Favi, or Biano? Do you want to sell on Facebook or Kaufland marketplaces? Are you considering expanding abroad? Message us here or go through the answers below.


Mergado offers many handy apps that extend its functions. They will help you automate many tasks such as image marketing, feed editing, or translating webshop texts. Below, we give you details on their functions, use cases, and news. Mergado App Store

News & Announcements

Stay in touch with the latest ventures in Mergado. This section will give you a detailed overview of large and small Mergado releases and prepare you for the moments when it will not be possible to work with it for planned and unplanned reasons.

Mergado Pack

Mergado Pack is a free, easy way to connect your WooCommerce, PrestaShop or OpenCart with the world of e-commerce. Here, we will introduce its essential functions, announce the news, and be available to you whenever you need help setting up its modules.

Magyar Mergado

Itt válaszoljuk meg a Mergado beállításaival kapcsolatos összes kérdést, hogy a magyar e-kereskedelemben a lehető legeredményesebb lehessen. Továbbá itt szerezhet információkat a releas-ekről, újdonságokról és a Mergadóval kapcsolatos hírekről.

Polska Mergado

Tutaj odpowiemy na wszystkie pytania związane z konfiguracją Mergado, abyś odniósł jak największy sukces w polskim e-commerce. Znajdziesz tu również informacje o premierach, nowościach i innych ważnych nowościach z otoczenia naszej marki.

Knowledge base / FAQ

On these pages, we’ll explain how to use Mergado to make managing your advertising easier and more effective than ever. Our video guide will also give you a hands-on introduction to how the tool works.

Baza Wiedzy Polska

Na tych stronach wyjaśnimy, jak korzystać z Mergado, aby zarządzanie reklamami było łatwiejsze i skuteczniejsze niż kiedykolwiek.