What is better for XML translation - Google translate or DeepL?

To translate the feed into another language, you can use the Mergado translate application within Mergado to provide machine translation.

In this application it is possible to use the translation engine Google Translate or DeepL, which do you think is the better choice to achieve the best possible translation quality?

If you want to compare the translation, enter the untranslated text into both translators:

and you have a simple comparison.

Mergado Translate will translate in exactly the same way, but it will do it in bulk, in the elements and products you select from the feed.

:bulb: In Mergado Translate you can’t do the translation comparison yet, because if a product is translated with one translator, then after changing the connection to the other one, the already translated product will not be translated again.
For example, if something has already been translated via DeepL, it cannot be translated again via Google (and vice versa).

The Mergado Translate app has two cool benefits specifically designed for feeds, among other advantages:

  1. If the translation is a categorical translation (CATEGORY, CATEGORYTEXT, …), individual words are sent to the translator (instead of the whole categorization path containing the embedding and individual subcategories). This results in better translation. :+1:

  2. If an element, e.g. DESCRIPTION, contains HTML tags in addition to text, these are not sent to the translator, which saves money. :+1:

I’ll add a tip from the app developers:

…in our experience, longer text is better translated by DeepL and shorter text is better translated by Google Translator, but it doesn’t matter what it uses.

How do you see it? :slight_smile: