🌟 News and Releases in Mergado

New version of Mergado

:coffee: After the Christmas break, welcome back to our regular Mergado news parties!

Over the :christmas_tree: Christmas we have been busy not only cleaning up the code after the old “Mergado 1” system (all projects are now running on “Mergado 2”), which will make it easier to develop new features for Mergado, but of course we have already prepared a batch of nifty new features for you.

Release date and time

Wednesday 29.1.2025 12:30

New formats

  • :apple: We have updated the Mergado XML specification to version 1.11.
    • New elements:
      ▪ AGE_GROUP
      ▪ DEPOT
        - NAME
      ▪ PATTERN
      ▪ VOUCHER
        - CODE
    • Full PDF specification here.
  • :office_worker: For Kaufland Marketplace format, we now know the elements for GPSR: product_safety_contact.name, product_safety_contact.address, product_safety_contact.url, product_safety_contact.email_address, product_safety_contact.phone_number.
  • :star2: We have updated converters for many formats.
    • :small_orange_diamond: CSV formats integration Shoptet:

      • Element itemConditionDescription :arrow_right: is converted with Mergado XML meaning CONDITION_DESCRIPTION.
      • itemConditionGrade :arrow_right: CONDITION.
        • If Shoptet CSV format is used as output format, this element is only populated if it has the values used and refurbished.
      • The STOCK_QUANTITY element is (already) converted to the STOCK element. However, if there is an element with the meaning DEPOT | NAME, its value is put into the CSV element name as follows: stock:%DEPOT | NAME%.

        Example: stock:Warehouse Prague. The corresponding value from DEPOT | STOCK_QUANTITY is then written in the value of this element. And if there is a stock:%DEPOT | NAME% element with a value in the output, the value of the stock element is no longer filled in.

    • :small_orange_diamond: Billiger integration formats:

      • voucher_text :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE and also VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
      • age_group :arrow_right: AGE_GROUP.
      • pattern :arrow_right: PATTERN.
    • :small_orange_diamond: CSV integration formats Idealo and Check24.de:

      • voucherCode :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE and also VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
      • discountPrice :arrow_right: PRICE_DISCOUNT_VAT.
      • EEC_efficiencyClass :arrow_right: ENERGY_CLASS.
    • :small_orange_diamond: Formats Price, Ideal and Jeffiny:

      • inStoreAvailability | store DEPOT | NAME.
      • inStoreAvailability | quantity DEPOT | STOCK_QUANTITY.
      • attributes | ageGroup :arrow_right: AGE_GROUP.
      • couponCode :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE.
      • coupon :arrow_right: VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
    • :small_orange_diamond: format Moebel:

      • art_gutscheincode :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE.
      • art_gutscheintext :arrow_right: VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
      • art_store_id :arrow_right: `DEPOT | NA
        • Note: In case of multiple warehouses, the record is separated by a slash; e.g. Brno|Prague|Ostrava.
      • art_inventory :arrow_right: DEPOT | STOCK_QUANTITY.
        • Note: For multiple warehouses, multiple records are separated by a pipeline; e.g. 080|100|023.
      • art_eCPC :arrow_right: CPC.
      • art_effizienzklasse :arrow_right: ENERGY_CLASS.
    • :small_orange_diamond: format Shopping:

      • Coupon_Code :arrow_right: VOUCHER | CODE.
      • Coupon_Code_Description :arrow_right: VOUCHER | DESCRIPTION.
    • :small_orange_diamond: Shopzilla and Pricegrabber formats:

      • Age Group :arrow_right: AGE_GROUP.
      • Pattern :arrow_right: PATTERN.
    • :custom_format: Converter for custom formats now better handles multiple images. If there are multiple elements with IMAGE meaning in the input, only the first one is converted as IMAGE. The others are then converted as IMAGE_ALTERNATIVE.

:green_apple: Shopify integration

  • We are releasing the first version of a new integration for importing products from Shopify.
  • This can be accessed through the create new project wizard, where you’ll also find a link on the site to instructions on where to find and set up the accesses in Shopify that Mergado will need.

:male_detective: New output feed audit panel

  • On the project overview page, there is a brand new dashboard with a quick overview of the results of output feed audit for your project.

  • We’ve also now added the ability to automatically start auditing the output feed after the initial processing of a project is complete at the end of the create new project wizard.

More news

  • :rocket: **We have accelerated the evaluation of MQL queries that use the @@MERGADO_ID pseudo-element in the condition.
  • :hammer: An error could occur when applying the Merge Variants rule. This has been fixed.
  • :lollipop: Mergado Store: A non-logged-in user can switch between available languages using a switch directly on the Mergado Store site.
  • :adhesive_bandage: In the simple MQL queries interface on the Products page, we fixed values overflowing outside their designated field.
  • Automation: A new element that should have been made hidden by automation (macro) was not being made hidden. We have fixed this.
  • On the Products page, the handle icon was not showing on the product attribute listing, even though the attribute value was entered as a manual change. We have fixed this.

You may experience minor Mergado outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us