Special attributes

In this post, we will learn:

What are special attributes?

Special attributes are part of the vocabulary of the Element-Path. You can recognize them by the fact that they always start with two @@ ats, e.g. @@POSITION. Special attributes are bound to an element and we can use them to distinguish between the values of that element.

Special attributes that are currently available:

  • @@POSITION: the position of a given value of a multi-valued element.
  • @@VALUE: the value of the element

:information_source:  We plan to add several more special attributes in the future.

What are special attributes for?

In Mergado Editor, we can work with special attributes in conditions used within element paths, where we can use them to more easily target specific element values (usually of a multi-value element) that we have selected.

Examples of use


1. Path IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE { @@POSITION > 1 } targets values of the IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE element with a position greater than one.

2. PARAM { @@POSITION = 2 } | VAL targets the values of the parameter that is in the second position.

For more examples and explanations, we recommend reading the separate post about @@POSITION.


1. IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE { @@VALUE = "https://picsum.photos/200/300" } targets the https://picsum.photos/200/300 value of the IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE element.

2. CATEGORY { @@VALUE != "Toys" } targets all values of the CATEGORY element except the Toys value.

For more examples and explanations, we recommend reading the separate post about @@VALUE.