Mergado Marketplaces - NEWS

Mergado Marketplaces - 43 - order overview


In this release we bring users the long awaited functionality of order management in Mergado Marketplaces :tada: This is the first version of the order management functionality, where orders from online marketplaces can be downloaded to our app. In addition to this new feature, we have also added some other tweaks!

The most important and visible changes for users include:

  • :shopping_cart: Order Overview.
  • :hammer_and_pick: Simplifying the matching of product identifiers for Allegro
  • :information_source: Info icons for validation messages
  • :four_leaf_clover: A number of other minor improvements

More on selected changes:

:shopping_cart: Order overview
Now, in addition to an overview of all orders from Kaufland and Allegro, the app will also offer you:

  • Link to the marketplace order
  • Email alerts for new orders from marketplaces at the hours and days you select
  • Option to download selected orders in CSV format with your chosen dates and column names

A thorough description of this new functionality can be found here.

:hammer_and_pick: Simplify product ID matching for Allegro
It was often confusing for new users to see the product identifier pairing for Allegro. With Allegro, you are required to pair at least one product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC, MPN), ideally an EAN code, which can then be used to create new product cards if needed. With the new display of identifiers, we want to make it easier for new users in particular to set up a new campaign:

:information_source: Info icons for validation messages
We have added info icons to the most common validation messages to explain the error in more detail and the steps needed to resolve it:

Should you encounter any bugs or have ideas on how to further enhance the order management functionality, please feel free to contact us at our email address

Mergado Marketplaces - 44 - deployment of Hungarian localization


One of the last releases of the year is here, and besides the Hungarian localization you will find a lot of other fixes and improvements :muscle:

Among the most important and visible changes for users are:

  • :hungary: Uploading Hungarian localization
  • :play_or_pause_button: Solution to deactivate the marketplace offer when a product is sold out
  • :information_source: Display additional data immediately after the history entry
  • :hammer_and_pick: Display of Allegro Business orders
  • :dollar: Adjust price display on order detail
  • :card_file_box: New validation message handling system
  • :desktop_computer: Ability to enlarge the table for adding parameters to the full desktop
  • :1234: Improved pagination
  • :four_leaf_clover: A number of other minor improvements

More about selected changes:

:play_or_pause_button: Solution to deactivate marketplace offer when a product is sold out
You may have encountered an issue in the app when a product sold out directly through Allegro and Allegro automatically deactivated the offer itself. If the out-of-stock product did not make it into the availability feed and the product was restocked, the app did not activate the offer.

This issue is now resolved and if the availability feed changes to a positive value and the offer is marked as closed, the app will automatically activate the offer.

So if you want to manually deactivate some offers on Allegro, you need to terminate the offers directly through the Mergado Marketplaces app using the offer pause function.

Now you can find additional information for historical records in a shortened version right after the record text without having to click on the record detail.

:dollar: Adjust price display on order detail and support displaying Allegro Business orders
Now you will see Allegro Business orders in the app with a special logo for better clarity and we have also changed the price display for items on the order detail. The prices will now be split into “price per item” and “total price”:

If you have any problems or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact our Mergado support at

Mergado Marketplaces - 45 - GPSR application preparation


In the last release of this year we focused mostly on preparing the app for the new EU regulation that will come into force on 13.12. See how you can prepare for GPSR with Mergado :point_down:

Among the most important and visible changes for users are:

  • :rescue_worker_helmet: Preparing app for GPSR (more here)
  • :hungary: Smart matching of feed values to Allegro enabled values for Hungarian
  • :repeat: Unable to delete campaign during re-generation
  • :four_leaf_clover: A number of other minor improvements
  • :star2: Improvements to the campaign creation wizard
    • Changing the display of the marketplace selection
    • New sales channel selection
    • Pre-population of connection and project when only one option is available

More about GPSR:

As of 13.12.2024 the EU General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) comes into force, which applies to most consumer products (more here). Online marketplaces including Kaufland and Allegro require additional information from sellers as a result, and reserve the right to hide the seller’s offers if they fail to provide it :warning:

:one: For Allegro, the instructions and safety information and the manufacturer’s details / details of the person responsible for marketing the product in Europe must be filled in at the offer level in the campaign settings:

:two: For Kaufland, these elements are the name of the manufacturer / responsible person in the EU, CE marking, safety instructions, where these are filled in at the product card level.

:bulb: See our guide here to learn how to add these details to your products on online marketplaces.

If you have any problems or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact our Mergado support at

Mergado Marketplaces - 46 - retention of information about products deleted from the product feed for 30 days


The first release of the year is here, and with it a lot of cool new features! We’ve listened to your requests and added frequently requested enhancements :tada:

Among the most important and visible changes for users are:

  • :rescue_worker_helmet: Improvement of the help for each element in the app and rewriting of element names (e.g. from ‘STOCK’ to ‘Availability’) to make the app easier to work with.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Addition of GPSR element ‘Products launched in EU before 13.12.2024’ for Allegro
  • :card_file_box: Store information about products deleted from the product feed for 30 days
  • :white_check_mark: Adding warranty information for Allegro to sales documents
  • :red_car: Adding shipping group for Kaufland
  • :mag_right: New ‘Marketplace Connection Status’ filter in campaign history event type
  • :traffic_light: New ‘Severity’ filter in campaign history

More on selected changes:

:hammer_and_wrench: Adding GPSR element ‘Products launched in the EU before 13.12.2024’ for Allegro
Allegro has a new GPSR feature where you can now add information to your offers that the products were launched in the EU before 13.12.2024, when the GPSR regulation came into force.

If you have launched your products before this date, you do not need to fill in the GPSR information on your Allegro offers regarding safety information and details of the products and responsible persons.

In Mergado Marketplaces, you’ll find a new mandatory parameter for which you can either choose a single value for the entire campaign, or you can pair it to an element from the feed. When pairing to a feed, pay attention to the allowed values, which are “true”, “1”, “yes”, “yes”, “igen” and “false”, “0”, “no”, “no”, “nem”.

If products were placed on the EU market after 13.12.2024 and fall into a category covered by the GPSR, the relevant product safety and manufacturer/responsible person information still needs to be completed (more here).

:card_file_box: Keep information about products deleted from the product feed for 30 days
Until now, the way our app worked was that once a product dropped out of your product feed, we closed the marketplace listing and once the product ever reappeared in your product feed, we created a new marketplace listing for that product.

We’ve now started keeping information about products deleted from the product feed for 30 days, which will allow us to link to the original offer on Allegro, which we will activate as available. This way you won’t lose the traffic your offer has received in the past.

If a product appears in the product feed later than 30 days, a new offer will be created on Allegro for the product.

:white_check_mark: Adding warranty information for Allegro to sales documents
When creating a campaign and in the campaign settings for Allegro, you can now also fill in warranty information. This is an optional sales document that you can prepare in the Allegro administration here and then pair it in our application.

:red_car: Adding a shipping group for Kaufland
You can now specify a shipping group when listing your products on Kaufland.
If no shipping group is selected, the terms of your default shipping group will automatically be applied. You can create shipping groups directly in the Kaufland Seller Portal here.

If you wish to have different shipping groups for different offers, create product selections in the Mergado Editor for which you can then create separate campaigns in Mergado Marketplaces.

If you have any problems or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact our Mergado support at

Mergado Marketplaces - 47 - possibility to change the query in campaign settings


In the second release of this year we focused mainly on various optimizations and fixing minor bugs. But we also added the long requested feature of changing the queries in the campaign settings, which we will describe in more detail below :point_down:

The most important and visible changes for users include:

  • :pencil2: The ability to change product query in campaign settings
  • :card_file_box: Implementation of filtering in the order history section
  • :mag_right: Specifying changes in the additional dates of historical records
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Optimize processes for creating and adding product cards to reduce the risk of duplicate offers
  • :spiral_calendar: Delete historical records older than 90 days
  • :four_leaf_clover: A number of other minor fixes and improvements

More on selected changes:

:pencil2: Ability to change product query in campaign settings
In the campaign settings you now have the option to change the query of products you want to send to a given marketplace. After changing the selection and clicking “Save”, a confirmation window will pop up informing you to run a complete re-generation of the product feed. If you do not confirm to run the sync, the product query will not be changed.

Changing the query is not possible if you are in the process of creating or adding product cards or re-generating the product feed.

:card_file_box: Implementation of filtering in order history section
We have added filtering capability to the order History section, so you can now filter historical records by marketplace, event type, severity and date:

:mag_right: Specifying changes in additional historical record data
If you have made any changes to your campaign settings, until now only the general section headings (e.g. “Marketplace” or “Mergado”) were showing up in the additional historical records data. Now you can find the specific documents or elements where the change has been made under “Edited section” in the campaign history:

If you have any problems or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to contact our Mergado support at