How to set currency localization in Mergado Translate

Currency localization is as essential to expanding abroad as proper translation of your products. In Mergado Translate you can do both. Just create a rule and select the “Currency Localization” type. You simply specify the currency you currently use and select the one you want to localize to, and finally set the output format.

:bulb: We update currency rates every working day.

How to localize a currency in a few steps:

  1. Go to the new rule page

  1. In the “Rule Type” section, select “Currency Localization”


  • Input currency = The currency in which you currently have your price in the element.
  • Output currency = The currency you want to convert your price to
  • Insert currency code inside element = Check if you want to have the currency code written in the element after the price
  • Round to a whole number = If the conversion would result in a decimal number, the price will be rounded up
  • Do not round, leave 2 decimal places = If the conversion would come out to a decimal place, we will keep only 2 numbers after the decimal point

Finally, select the elements in which you want to convert the currency. As for the decimal point and dot, if you send us a decimal number in Translate, we will keep your choice in the converted amount. If you don’t send it to us, we will use a comma.