How to cancel online store in MERGADO?

You have the option to irrevocably cancel your online store using the Delete online store function. WARNING, this step cannot be undone later even with our help.

If you would like to just pause individual exports, please email and we will do it for you:

  • At that point the modified feed from MERGADO will not be available and at the same time, the output URL will be converted to the input feed.
  • The online store data will be remembered and from our side it is possible to restore it again.
    • You have to be careful with this action, as some applications can work even with inactive MERGADO export, so they will still be invoiced.
    • If you would prefer not to invoice them, you must disable them. Not all apps remember their settings after they are turned off, so it is a good idea to contact the specific apps to verify the information.