🐮 How much is Blending Bull

Our technical support has received a number of similar questions, so I will try to answer in a wider context.

Blending Bull price

:information_source: Blending Bull is EUR 11/month.
The price is invoiced to Mergado. Discounts for payments for 6 and 12 months apply, see Mergado price list.

What does the price include

The price includes an unlimited number of files, unlimited number of data sources. Data sources are not restricted to domains or in any other way. The stated price is final.

Blending Bull and agencies

There could theoretically be a situation when a marketing agency (or someone else) could manage tens of clients in one Blending Bull instance. Technically, this is possible. I, however, strongly discourage it. Data should be in an e-shop of a company that uses them further. If, for example, a client stopped its collaboration with an agency, it would be ideal if Blending Bull together with the set-up and the data remained in the hands of the client.