Currency is not transferred to the output feed and some other issues

Hi. I ran into a few problems and need your help.

1. For some reason the output feed does not pass the currency, only the price numbers. How can I fix this?

2. Also faced with the fact that for some reason the system in Elements section does not read all the images and prices from the feed. Is this a bad sign?

3. The discount price of the product is not available everywhere in our feed, so template with a discount price does not work properly if the system does not see the discount price (g:sale_price).
Is it possible to use a macros or a rule to make the system take data from the g:price field in the absence of the g:sale_price field?

I will be glad for your help.

Hello @yasupuma ,
thank you for your questions.

ad.1 Currency
The currency is removed by the converter. To get it back, you can create a rule to add the currency back to the g:price, and a second rule to add the currency back to g:sale_price. Follow these steps:

  1. In MERGADO Editor, create a new rule on the Rules page

  2. Fill in the rule form based on the screenshot and click Create:

  3. Create a second rule with these settings:

  4. When finished, Click Apply rules button on the Rules page to see the changes in MERGADO Editor, when finished, you should see prices with currency on the Products page.

  5. To update the output feed, remember that you need to regenerate the project (Settings > Regeneration > Regenerate changed)


Thank you, radim, it worked. I will wait for the answers to the second and third point.


ad.2 Elements

On the Elements page, if the numbers that you see on the right are not adequate to the number of products in your feed, please bare in mind that the numbers represent a number of individual values. This means that e.g. a value 100 in the g:price element can appear in more that one product. So you have e.g. 1000 products, but only 250 values in g:price element, because multiple products share the same g:price value.

I hope this answers your question. If not, can you maybe share more details?

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The solution is to create 2 product groups (queries) in MERGADO Editor.

Then in Feed Image Editor, you create 2 templates.

  • First template applied to Not discounted products, where you will use g:price to be displayed on the image
  • Second template applied to Discounted products, where you will use g:sale_price to be displayed on the image

Let me know if this will work.

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Hello, Radim! It worked. Thank you very much. But I have a question: Why does the total number of products in FIE exceed the total number in the Products tab?

Offtop: I realized that I can no longer edit my previous posts, and this has become a problem because I accidentally posted confidential information there. Can you please assist me in removing or blurring out any sensitive data in the screenshots? Alternatively, can you grant me permission to edit my own posts? Or please tell me where I can go with this question.

Dear @yasupuma
I don’t see any templates in your project currently, so I cannot check, but it could be due to incorrect conditions used. Feel free to send me more information.

Regarding previous post edits, you should be able to edit your own posts. If not, let me know which screenshots to remove.

My apologies, I was looking into the wrong project.
The different numbers in MERGADO Editor and Feed Image Editor apps are due to a delay in information flow between the two apps. The correct number of products in each product group (query) is always in MERGADO Editor.


Thank you very much.

I need to replace the screenshots in the current topic and this one.

I have attached the edited versions:

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Another one:

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Hi @yasupuma , I have edited it for you in both topics.