๐ŸŒŸ News and Releases in Mergado

A new version of Mergado

Release date and time

August 31, 2022, 15:30 CEST



  • :apple: Mergado 2: We have added support for Greek :greece: Google Merchants [gr].
  • :green_apple: Mergado 2: We now support the XML format for Scraping Camel.
  • :cherries: Mergado 2: Due to the acquisition of the :it: search engine Stileo.it by Glami, the format for Stileo is now split into the old Stileo.it (Until 07/2022), which uses the original XML specification, and then the :star2: new Stileo.it, which now uses the Glami specification.
  • The :articulated_lorry: Mergado 2 converter from the input Google format now converts the shipping price without currency. Then if the target output format requires currency again, we return it to the value. :recycle:
  • :rocket: Mergado 2: We have been working on optimizing the import of products from the input feeds. The final speedup may vary case by case, but in testing we measured up to 45 percent faster product imports.
  • :pretzel: In the rule for adding UTM parameters you can now select any target element (or element-path in the case of Mergado 2 project).
  • :star: :truck: For the Biano format, we have added support for the Set shipping price rule.
  • For this format, we can also now audit shipping price information in our feed audit.
  • :hammer_and_pick: :batch_delivery: For the following formats, weโ€™ve updated the supported carrier lists that can be used in the Set Shipping Price rule:
  • :shield: The data import rule now has a limit on the size of the CSV source if the source is specified as a URL. In that case, the remote file must not exceed 100 MB in size.
  • The :hammer: :audits: MERGADO Audit: We fixed a bug that could cause an email with information about a completed audit to be sent multiple times.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed a bug that could occur when analyzing the input feed when creating a project if the input feed contained โ€œexcessively non-validโ€ HTML (e.g. in elements of type DESCRIPTION where item descriptions are sometimes inserted as HTML).
  • :candy: We fixed the visual highlighting of the NOT IN operator (not in the list) when writing a custom MQL query in the query form.
  • We fixed a bug when whispering values for an element in the query form.
  • We fixed the generation of CSV header when downloading rows in the Bulk rewrite by value rule setting.
  • And also, of course, weโ€™ve added other minor tweaks and fixes here and there.

You may experience some minor Mergado downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.