🌟 News and Releases in MERGADO

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

October 20, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2

Development is not just about new things all the time. There aren’t many this week, but we’re working hard on the “guts” of MERGADO to make the app better for you.


  • :hammer_and_wrench: We have fixed the occasional jamming audits. Currently, the stuck audits will restart and run
  • :information_source: For Bulk Rules we added information about what happens to empty rows on the right


  • The form for editing language mutations now appears the same as in the Store

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

November 3, 2021, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :green_apple: Improved parsing of input XML feeds - we now correctly identify element names that contain non-standard characters in an attribute.
    • Previously, we had a problem detecting these elements :sweat: and this complicated importing more complex feeds, on which the user wanted to deploy custom format.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We fixed a bug in the converter from Google formats that was mixing up the order of multiple elements.
  • :mailbox_with_mail: We did not send the name of the online store the project belongs to in the body of the email notification of end of app trial period associated with the project.
    • We have fixed this and the store name will now appear correctly in the email.
  • Other minor fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • :mag: In the API, it will be possible to filter entities based on their attribute values.
  • :star: There is a new endpoint in the API where information about known - but not necessarily currently present - products for a given project is available.
    • URL of the endpoint: https://api.mergado.com/projects/<project_id>/pairings/.
    • Documentation: Mergado ¡ Apiary
    • :warning: the endpoint is in test mode - the form of this endpoint, or the data returning from it, may still change.

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

November 18, 2021, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :apple: For the :de: format of Idealo.de CSV, based on the current specification, we changed the column separator in CSV to ; semicolon (previously used comma).
  • :green_book: For large and complex projects on the Products page, we are now optimizing downloading CSV with products.
    • That is, if a project contains a really large number of products and also a large number of hiding rules, we will now not provide information in the resulting CSV about whether the product is hidden by a rule or not (what used to happen otherwise was that the CSV could not be downloaded at all). :sweat:
    • :bulb: At the same time, we are now making this detection of “large and challenging projects” slightly smarter.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We fixed another bug in the converter from the :world_map: Google and Facebook formats, where the values of the source elements remained in the output when converting multiple elements.
  • :candy: UI, Rules: When selecting queries in the Bulk rewrite by query rule, we now show number of products and query type (input/output) for specific queries.
  • :mag: UI: When loading the main store overview page, we no longer discard the search string that may have been defined in the page URL.
    • The search string and the search itself will now be properly preserved when the page is loaded.
  • :candle: UI: A magnifying glass icon is now displayed next to a number of text fields used for searching in the UI for better clarity.
  • UI: We have fixed the overlapping icons and text for the sort settings on the Products page.
  • UI: We have fixed the column widths for editing parameters of user macros, which were sometimes wrong.
  • And other minor improvements and fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • We fixed an interface bug that was occurring when editing the app rules.

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

January 19, 2022, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :green_apple: For the :czech_republic: Heureka.cz and :slovakia: Heureka.sk formats, we now support the SALES_VOUCHER element.
  • :star2: In the query manager, you can see a :pie: pie chart next to the number of products, from which you can easily see what proportion of the total number of products in the project the query contains.
  • :candy: We have improved the whispering of names when creating new elements on the Elements page.
  • :1234: Queries. We fixed a bug that made it impossible to enter negative numbers for the <, >, <=, >= operators in the query form. Now it is possible.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: :mailbox_with_mail: Repeatedly sending an invitation to the MERGADO store to the email of a not yet registered user contained an error that caused the repeated invitation not to be sent. We have fixed this.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: :spider_web: We also fixed a bug that caused the project history to not show output feed downloads if such downloads were over an insecure HTTP connection.
    • This does not apply to downloading output feeds over a secure HTTPS connection (that should ideally always be used) - that was and still is displayed correctly in the project history.
  • :shield: Buttons for launching a feed audit (e.g. on the project overview page) are now better protected against unintentional multiple starts of the same audit.
  • :candle: And other minor fixes and improvements… E.g.
    • We have improved a number of :hungary: Hungarian translations of labels and texts in the MERGADO interface.
    • :newspaper: long texts for elements on the page are now properly wrapped when editing a macro.
    • In the :fox_face: Firefox browser, a nasty scrollbar appears on the main page after clicking “Hide all exports” next to the store list. That’s fixed.

Platform :wrench:

  • :hammer_and_wrench: We fixed the filtering for the endpoint https://api.mergado.com/queries/<id>/products/.
    • This endpoint should now also retrieve data more efficiently and therefore return data faster.
  • :mailbox: Developers of a specific app (i.e. users who belong to its vendor) will see the name and contact email of the user who rated the app in the app details in the Mergado Store next to the user ratings, in addition to the stars and text.
  • :adhesive_bandage: In Developers, the “select” to select the stage app could “jump” if the side menu was collapsed. This is fixed.
  • :world_map: In Developers, it is possible to select supported languages for apps (i.e. languages in which the app can display its UI).
    • After selecting the languages, this information will be displayed in the app details in the MERGADO Store.

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

February 2, 2022, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :star2: :four_leaf_clover: In the query manager, we have added a shortcut for creating a rule for each query.


  • :apple: We’ve simplified the process of importing queries from Project A into Project B.
    • Now the source project can be selected separately - even without first selecting the source online store.
  • :hammer_and_pick: We fixed a bug that occurred when trying to edit an existing CPC setting rule.
  • :adhesive_bandage: A button was available on the project overview to start the audit of the output feed, even though the output feed did not yet exist (e. g. when the initial processing when creating the project ended with an error). We have fixed this.
  • :rocket: We have improved the logic for UI optimization within projects that have a huge number of elements (i. e. thousands, tens of thousands, but even more).
    • :thinking: If the elements in the project exceed a specific number in certain places in the interface where these elements are to be listed (e. g. a list of known elements in the query form or the rule editing form), then we do not list all elements but select only a subset of the most important ones. It is because the user-side browser may not be able to handle these element volumes otherwise :sweat: and in such situations, Mergada either loads pages for a very long time or even stops responding altogether.
      • This ensures that even though there are a huge number of elements in the project, you can still work with it “somehow”; important elements are available (e. g. in the rules form) - and we hide the less important elements.
    • Until now, we considered the most important elements to be elements that are not embedded or multiple - that is PRODUCTNAME, CATEGORYTEXT, PRICE_VAT, … However, once the element name contained a vertical bar |, we hid it in the forms.
      • :cold_sweat: Such a solution has the disadvantage that in addition to the elements IMAGE|12073, IMAGE|12074, … _- for which there is a low probability that the user will want to work with them in targeted queries or rules - it also hides elements such as IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE|2 or DELIVERY|CESKA_POSTA, with which the user often wants to work…
    • :heart_eyes: The new solution is we hide only those elements that have a three-digit and multi-digit number behind the vertical bar.
      • I. e. elements like IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE|2 or DELIVERY|CESKA_POSTA for such projects we will no longer hide, but elements IMAGE|12073, IMAGE|12074, … we will keep hiding.
    • Thanks to this change, we were able to radically reduce the above-mentioned “fixed number” of elements, beyond which the UI optimization is activated - thus speeding up the interface of many huge projects - without risking offering important elements in the forms. :smiling_face:
      • :thought_balloon: This change also means that for projects with a “huge number of elements” the default page listing behavior on the Elements page changes from Hide Multiple or Submerged Elements to Hide Unimportant Elements. With the fact that through the check box Show all submerged, it is possible to list all elements - i. e. submerged and non-submerged (such a option has already existed there).

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

February 16, 2022, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :information_source: We are starting the initial phase of moving to a new IP address from which MERGADO is going to download your input feeds.
    • MERGADO can now access your input feeds from the IP address Until then, the download of feeds always came from the IP address
    • :thinking: What does this mean for you? If you use IP address filtering to secure access to your input feeds, also allow access for IP address We are going to use the current IP address for some time, but we plan to disable it.
  • :green_apple: We’ve accelerated the data preparation logic for the Setup CPC bidding rule. Therefore, the application of this rule should now be a bit faster.
  • :hammer: We fixed the display of the dashboard of projects with TSV or TXT format.
  • We fixed adding metadata to output feeds.
    • UTF-8 is properly capitalized in XML files: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.
    • Additional metadata for formats:
      • :world_map: Google: <title>{eshop_name}</title><link>{eshop_url}</link>
      • RSS: <title>{eshop_name}</title><link>{eshop_url}</link><description>{eshop_name}</description>
      • :mergado: MergadoStats: <DATE>{date}</DATE>
      • :poland: SmartBay.pl: <num>{product_count}</num>
      • :poland: Skapiec.pl: <time>{datetime}</time>
      • :greece: Skroutz.gr: <created_at>{datetime_colon}</created_at>
      • :greece: Bestprice.gr: <date>{datetime_colon}</date>
  • And other minor fixes.


Our login service also received news and improvements! :bird:

    • Minor changes in the form for registration and setting of billing data.
    • We have changed the text of the third reminder - it will now be different from the first two texts.
    • Tax documents for paid advance invoices are going to be sent twice a day - at 9 am and 3 pm.

Platform :wrench:

  • The test ping hook will no longer display the call result for the correct stage app and not for all stages.

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at this time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

March 2, 2022, 15:30 CET


  • We make it easy to work with text throughout the application. You can now use the cross to empty text fields with a cross. :heavy_multiplication_x:
  • The Idealo channel prefers CSV, so we decided to remove the Idealo XML format from the available output formats for new projects.
  • Output feeds of projects with the formats shopzilla, miinto, pricegrabber are now exported with the correct extension.
  • :bug: We fixed a bug when exporting to Google sheet, where not all elements were exported.
  • Outdated formats (e.g. Arukereso until 8/2021) will no longer be marked as highlighted in the new export wizard.
  • :top: We have improved format detection. In the case where a feed matches multiple formats, we will offer the format that is missing fewer elements from the specification.
  • :bug: The special left panel for the Google Shopping format no longer jumps.
  • We have added several missing translations to the English version of the app.
  • In MERGADO Store we fixed misaligned text in the basic information block.
  • We updated the documentation for the Mergado Category XML and Mergado Analytic formats.
  • We have edited the message in Table View to better explain how to work with input and output values.
  • And other minor fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • :new: Our new public IP for feed sources is

You may experience some minor MERGADO outages at that time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

March 16, 2022, 15:30 CET


  • :green_apple: For the :czech_republic: Heureka.cz format, we added support for the 123KURIER carrier.
  • :hammer: We fixed a bug in the format converter for the :earth_africa: WooCommerce CSV format.
  • :rocket: We’re working on mechanisms to provide better stability in feed audit processing (with the goal of reducing the number of situations where a challenging audit fails for some reason).
  • :candy: The new project creation wizard will now alert the user if they try to create a new store with the same name as another store they own.
  • :lollipop: In the create new project wizard, the ENTER key can now also be used to get to the next step.
  • :apple: UI: We have optimized the preparation of queries for the rule edit form. This should reduce the occurrence of situations where the form fails to render correctly in complex projects due to a large number of large queries.
  • :avocado: On the Products page, we’ve cleaned up the Preview type view and improved it.
    • We can now highlight differences between input and output values in this view.
    • We have added fields for the product URL, product ID (e.g. from the ITEM_ID element), and product availability.
    • The product description is no longer displayed.
  • :hourglass: UI: Some text fields now display the remaining number of characters the user can enter.
    • screenshot-dev.mergado.com-2022.03.15-14_45_03
  • :globe_with_meridians: In the format selection input fields on the audit page and in the project settings, the formats are now sorted by country.
    • 6d3571bae1c46d0842c06b89ea1550d417899607
  • :bird: We have optimized the preparation of products for downloading CSV with products on the Products page. Now the downloaded CSV should not be “cut off” after a while but should contain all the products it should include.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed the link to accept the store invitation when clicking through from the notification in the UI.
  • :link: We’ve fixed the links to help for rule types in the tooltip in the rules form.
  • :mag: Filtering rules on the Rules page now filters instantly, no need to confirm the search with an ENTER.
  • When saving a variable, a false red error message could “flash” after submitting the form. This should now be fixed.
  • :earth_africa: We have added missing (or fixed existing) translations here and there in the interface.
  • And other minor edits and fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • Due to a bug, it was not possible to edit the rules for the non-production stages of the app. This should be fixed.

You may experience some minor Mergad outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

March 30, 2022, 15:30 CET


  • :green_apple: We have modified the :czech_republic: Upgates format definitions according to the current specification.
  • Changes for the :earth_americas: Facebook format:
    • The default value of the CONDITION element is new.
    • Add a g:country element for each delivery specification.
  • :chains: We have modified the default pairing elements for the :hungary: Argep.hu format.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed a bug on the Products page that was causing product sorting to not work correctly.
  • :rocket: We are deploying code optimizations and improvements to feed audit that should make feed audits more efficient.
  • :file_folder: We recently had a bug in the Data Import rule that prevented us from uploading a CSV file larger than 2 MB (the rule should be able to upload a 25 MB file). This has been fixed.
  • :hammer_and_pick: The Bulk rewrite by values rule had a bug that caused regular expression looking for the expression ^$ (i.e., empty text) to be evaluated incorrectly - it could not find a match in the empty element value. This is now fixed and a match is found.
  • In a project where the input and output format is :earth_americas: MERGADO XML, the second element GENERATOR was also exported due to an error. This is now fixed.
  • :face_with_head_bandage: We fixed an error that could occur when submitting the form when editing the element name.
  • The UI: box requiring confirmation when leaving the edit rule page (which is intended to prevent data loss when accidentally leaving the page) was sometimes not showing. This has been fixed.
  • :lollipop: UI: We added new icons for a number of well-known search engines and services.
  • We added the missing Hungarian version of the banner on the feed audit page.
  • And other minor fixes and improvements.

Platform :wrench:

  • We have updated the MAIA documentation (MERGADO App IFRAME API).
  • We have extended the maximum length of a long app description from 5 kB to 64 kB.
  • We fixed a bug in the endpoint .../queries/<id>/products that was causing bad values to be returned for total_results.

You may experience minor MERGADO downtime at the indicated time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

April 13, 2022, 15:30 CET


  • :sun_behind_small_cloud: We have updated the specifications for the formats :czech_republic: Upgates Products and :czech_republic: Upgates Categories.
  • :lollipop: On the Products page, we now use lazy loading for image display. Loading images will now be more efficient on the side of the user.
  • :green_apple: :shield: When creating a new project, we can now handle the URL of the feed with HTTP authentication, which contains the at-sign @ in the user name.
    • I. e. it will now be possible to create projects with a URL in the form of:
  • :rocket: We’ve further optimized the feed audit component. We will now read feeds written in valid XML faster and more efficiently.
  • :nerd_face: We are preparing support for other formats for automatic category suggestions (in the Rename Categories in Bulk rule we currently support them for the formats: :czech_republic: Heureka.cz, :slovakia: Heureka.sk a :czech_republic: ZboŞí.cz).
  • :candy: In the wizard for creating a new project, you can re-edit the project name directly when creating it.
  • :chains: When reviewing the results of the output feed audit of a specific project, we have accelerated the mechanism by which we match the product from the audit to the product from the project (which is needed to allow the user to hide the product listed in the audit, for example).
  • UI: :hammer: On the project dashboard, it could happen that the tooltip for graphs was overlaid by the left main menu. We fixed this.
  • UI: :hugs: We have added an icon for: :czech_republic: Mall.cz.
  • UI: :keyboard: We have improved UX for navigation in **the wizard for creating a new project ** via the keyboard. And we’ve added a few other minor improvements to the guide.
  • And other minor fixes.

You may experience minor MERGADO downtime at the indicated time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

April 27, 2022, 15:30 CEST


  • :avocado: Audit XML: With feed audit for the format Heureka.cz and Heureka.sk, the case of the parameter name will no longer matter when validating parameters.
  • :apple: The Products page got a minor facelift.
    • We have added the ability to set the number of products to be listed.
      • 5c21c0e01d83f6e2db347f89324b0fe89d5cdbae
    • The list of rules active on the query (with the option to add a new rule) is now nicer.
      • 9ef1309d1eea4a1a3da5b2eaa97dbc12734a9734
    • For columns, when displaying the Table type, it is easier to see whether they are sorted by output or input values.
      • 3483c5a33aef5cc0598c9e0e50cb34a6b753f5d5
  • :world_map: On the Products page, we also improved the way we deal with product display depending on the format specification (so that we can display e.g. product name or product image according to the best product information and input or output format used).
  • :sun_behind_small_cloud: Elements: In projects with CSV format, it is now possible to create an element via UI even with [ and ] characters in the name (e.g. image[0].url).
  • :hammer_and_pick: Custom format: We have made fixes to eliminate element name conflicts from the input feed with elements with special meaning.
    • That is, for example, we should not automatically add the special meaning "product wrapper element" to the ITEM element from the input feed, which should be set to "save as is" according to the custom format settings, even though the user has set the custom format otherwise.
  • :candy: UI: We fixed some text and translations here and there.
  • And other minor improvements.

You may experience minor MERGADO downtime at the indicated time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1 Like

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

May 11, 2022, 15:30 CEST


  • :green_apple: We have updated the NajNakup.sk format according to the latest specification.
    • The values of the NAME and DESCRIPTION elements will now be encapsulated in CDATA.
  • we have added support for the IMGURL element as an alternative image specification option.
    • We have also modified the order of elements when exporting.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: When importing and parsing feeds for custom format, we sometimes misread XML attribute names if their name contained namespace. We should now be able to do this better.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed a bug that caused the number of unique values of input elements to be miscounted when importing “changed products only”. This is now fixed.
  • :candy: UI: For single line text fields, an awkward looking horizontal scrollbar could appear for longer text values (depending on the web browser used). This should be fixed.
  • :candle: UI: When opening the left blue search bar for stores and projects, it is convenient to autofocus on the search box so that the user can directly type the search text.
  • :free: When creating elements in CSV projects (or when editing them) we have extended the validation of the element name. Now the CSV element name can contain anything except a newline.
  • And a bunch of other little things that make the MERGADO interface more pleasant to work with.

You may experience minor MERGADO downtime at the indicated time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

May 25, 2022, 15:30 CEST


  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed a bug where the attribute value of the element being created could not be created containing a dash or minus - e.g. GIFT(ID=HPF12-191)
  • :avocado: The audit results page provides a clearer list of supported audits by country.
  • In Store, we previously misidentified the currency. It is now identified by the information from accounts for logged in users. For not logged-in users by browser information.
  • :1234: You can now create a new export with a URL that contains up to 2048 characters. The original limit was 250 characters.
  • Projects with Miinto TSV formats will now generate the output file correctly.
  • :bug: We have solved a bug of escaping \ in MQL. If the element name contains a space or one of the function characters \[] it should be escaped = put it in square brackets and add \ before all function characters. E.g. S[a]mple escaping\ element used in MQL: [S\[a\]mple escaping\\] = "understood"
  • :new: We have exclusively added support for Mall Marketplace, Mall Marketplace - availability feed and Shoptet CSV formats to the new version of MERGADO 2. If you are interested in testing them, including testing the new version, just contact us.
  • :apple: :star2: To our smart component for automated category mapping, which we introduced in June 2020, we’ve added support for new formats: :czech_republic: Google Shopping [cz], :slovakia: Google Shopping [sk], :us: Google Shopping [us], :poland: Google Shopping [pl], :de: Google Shopping [de], :hungary: Google Shopping [hu]
  • :hammer_and_wrench: and many other improvements to the MERGADO backend.

You may experience minor MERGADO downtime at the indicated time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1 Like

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

June 8, 2022, 15:30 CEST


  • :star2: The audits for :czech_republic: Shoptet.cz and :slovakia: Shoptet.sk formats XML and CSV have been significantly updated.
  • :spider_web: For the :earth_africa: Google Sheets format, which exports directly to Google’s online spreadsheet processor, we have corrected the output URL displayed on the project overview. It now again leads to the address in Google Sheets.
  • :card_index_dividers: on the Products page, we were displaying the wrong icon (we took the icon by input format, which is wrong - it should be taken by output format) for the product card click-through in the product finder. This is now fixed.
  • :rocket: There is another round of research into possible optimizations - with the goal of speeding up MERGADO’s feed processing.
  • :hammer: UI: On the Project History page, we were displaying irrelevant items in the event type field. We have fixed this.
  • :cherries: downloading CSV with products from the Products page should now be more robust for projects with a high number of items.
  • :moneybag: UI: For the infobox on the main online store overview page, the discount** associated with the length of the billing period is now displayed alongside the length of the billing period.
  • :candy: UI: For icon-buttons tightly bound to the input field, we’ve expanded the size of the clickable area.
  • And a number of other minor fixes and improvements.

Platform :wrench:

  • For MERGADO 2 projects, we fixed filtering of elements that the app defined that it wanted to send when applying rules.

You may experience some minor MERGADO downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

June 22, 2022, 15:30 CEST


  • :cherries: Audit News:
  • We now check for the presence of the mandatory handling_time element and deselected the shipping_group, delivery_time_max and delivery_time_min elements as mandatory.
  • :avocado: :gear: We have updated the converters for :world_map: different formats:
    • :czech_republic: Zbozi.cz now knows the LIST_PRICE element.
    • :czech_republic: :slovakia: Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing now knows the Item subtitle element.
    • :czech_republic: MALL Marketplace will have the value listed in the WEIGHT element without the “kg” unit.
    • :earth_americas: Google formats:
      • If delivery_days > 3 is detected in the input value, the value backorder appears in the output of the g:availability element.
      • If delivery_days <= 3 is detected in the input value, the value in_stock appears in the output of the g:availability element.
  • :green_apple: Improved the logic for automatic detection of the input feed format. The new project creation wizard should now pre-select more relevant formats than before.
  • :star2: :candy: UI: We added fuzzy search in the various input fields to select a specific value through the UI - this means that the user does not have to enter the exact text of the value to find it, but just some letters (which don’t even have to be consecutive) for example.
  • For example, to quickly search for the format Google Shopping [us], just enter gous in the field.
  • :date: UI: We fixed an error that occurred when the user entered unexpected input into the date input field (e.g. on the Project History page).
  • :framed_picture: UI: We fixed the alignment of the macro sharing icon.
  • And other minor fixes and improvements.

You may experience some minor MERGADO downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

1 Like

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

July 20, 2022, 15:30 CEST

:green_apple: :rainbow: MERGADO comes with a new feature, in which we switch from a linear data representation system to tree-based data organization of products (i.e. Tree Based Products, TBP for short, as our smart developers call the new system internally), with the goal of significantly expanding MERGADO’s capabilities. We call this new feature MERGADO 2 and you can learn more about it in an article on our blog.


  • :green_apple: In the create a new project wizard there is now an option to create an experimental MERGADO 2 project.
  • :closed_lock_with_key: MERGADO can now load input feeds over HTTPS even with an incorrectly set certificate.
  • Gone are the days when an incorrectly set TLS/SSL certificate from your infrastructure provider prevented you from using MERGADO. :smirk_cat:
  • If MERGADO detects an error in the HTTPS certificate settings when downloading the input feed, we still download the feed and import it - in which case we display a warning on the project overview page with any details of the detected error (e.g. the certificate has expired, or perhaps that the URL with https://... in the background redirected to the insecure protocol http://...).

:warning: A poorly set HTTPS certificate on your web server may mean that data traffic between your server and MERGADO will carry a risk of eavesdropping by third parties. We strongly recommend that you have your HTTPS certificate set up correctly.

  • :star2: We support a new format: :earth_americas: Facebook CSV.
  • :star: We’ve updated the spec for the :romania: Emag.ro format and its audit.
  • :hammer: For more complex input XML feeds, the estimate of the number of products in the feed could be too different from the actual number of products in the feed in the new project creation wizard. The estimation mechanism has been improved.
  • On the user’s custom formats listing page, we added a new column to indicate which type of files (.xml, .csv, etc.) the custom format is for.
  • The :candy: error when creating an element that would automatically create a variable whose name conflicts with an existing variable, we now display the correct error message.
  • :raised_hands: and a large number of other minor changes and fixes.


  • :green_apple: MERGADO 2 is now in public beta.
  • :star2: For MERGADO 2, we have added support for the following formats: Kieskeurig, Kuantokusta, Mailkit, Miinto, Modemi, Moebel, Mojinterier, Mojoutfit, Monitor, Monitorcien, Nextag, Pricegrabber, RSS, Shopzilla, Srovname.
  • :rocket: Speed: Since we were aware that complex products (i.e., products with a high number of nesting) in MERGADO 2 exported very slowly when we exported the output XML, we gave it a closer look…
    • The result of our investigation is :apple: optimization, which as a result means a multi-fold speed boost in the export process of the output XML feed (the more complex the structure of the exported products, the greater the speed boost compared to the previous state).
  • :zap: UI: We have improved the mechanism for highlighting paths to elements available in various input fields in the UI.
  • :bacon: We have improved the mechanisms for hinting element values in various fields in the UI.
    • The whispering is triggered by typing (or deleting), and the dropdown can be hidden using the ESCAPE button.
    • The whispering is based on the nesting, i.e. for example after PARAM | the Heureka.cz format will whisper PARAM_NAME and VAL.
  • :signal_strength: We have added support for displaying warnings that can occur for individual products when applying rules (e.g. that the path to the target element overwrites multiple values instead of the expected single element value - which can occur for multiple elements if the path to the element does not specify the target position/index of the element).
    • Warnings from the last successful application of the rules will be visible in the UI for that product on the Products page. :avocado:
    • A listing of all warnings can be found by clicking on the rule application record in the project history.
    • For the most recent rule application, warnings will also appear on the project dashboard.
  • :horse_racing: We have optimized the mechanism for exporting CSVs with product data on the Products page to be able to download CSVs with many products (e.g. 100k or more products).
  • :cherries: when displaying product changes during rule application, we have improved the display of the paths to the elements and attributes affected by the changes.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We have fixed situations where, when using element path as a variable in rules, the specified path to the element value was not processed correctly when applying rules.

:warning: Please note that MERGADO 2 projects will be charged for as of this release according to the standard price list.

You may experience some minor MERGADO downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

August 8, 2022, 15:30 CEST


  • :green_apple: :star2: A new rule type was added for MERGADO 2: Add value to a multi-value element.
  • This rule can be used to add a new value to a multi-value element (such an element must of course be already defined in the schema - i.e. in the element list - of the project).
  • :star: We have added support for additional language versions of the Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing format:
    • :poland: Poland,
    • :de: Germany,
    • :hungary: Hungary,
    • :romania: Romania,
    • :denmark: Denmark,
    • :greece: Greece,
    • :finland: Finland,
    • :fr: France,
    • :it: Italy,
    • :netherlands: Netherlands,
    • :es: Spain,
    • :switzerland: Switzerland.
  • :star: XML specification for :earth_americas: Google formats was updated.
  • :hammer_and_pick: We fixed a bug that could occur when creating a new project that requires a connection to Keychain to work.
  • :macros: Macros: We fixed a bug that caused repeated executions of the same macro to fail if the macro contained a Create Rule action.
  • :candy: For new projects with the Plain CSV output format, the .* is now the default value in GA source setting (and no longer the string plaincsv.global).
  • :avocado: UI: After searching for a string in the input fields to select a value, the highlighted portion of the searched value no longer “hovers”.
  • And a number of other minor fixes and changes.

You may experience some minor MERGADO downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

August 16, 2022, 15:30 CEST



  • :stars: MERGADO 2: We added support for new formats :czech_republic: Alza Marketplace - product and also :czech_republic: Alza Marketplace - availability.
  • :star2: MERGADO 2: We also added new formats :earth_americas: Pinterest XML and :earth_africa: Pinterest CSV.
    • Further information on these formats is available here.
    • We can now also audit both types of formats. :parasol_on_ground:
  • :male_detective: :hammer_and_wrench: MERGADO 2: We are continuously exploring ways to optimize the import of input feeds and the application of rules.
  • :cheese: MERGADO 2: A button has been added to the Elements UI page to change order of elements according to specification if the project has an output format that requires strict order of elements.
  • :avocado: MERGADO 2: We added a number of improvements to the element/attribute value listing page:
    • We added caching for already loaded and displayed values - the UI should be more responsive in many cases. :horse_racing:
  • :bacon: When listing the output values of a given element-path, the status of hidden of products is now considered. Thus, values from hidden products will not be taken into account when displaying information about the output values of an element/attribute.
    • We have improved the graph with "TOP values " - now it primarily lists the number of products in which the value occurs.
      • Previously, the focus was on the total number of occurrences - in fact, a single value can occur multiple times within a multi-value element for a particular element of a single product - however, we consider this information to be less useful than the number of products. However, if the number of products and number of occurrences are different, the user will see this information for the “TOP values” chart.
  • :green_apple: MERGADO 2: The variables already work in the Add a value to a multi-value element rule.
  • :candy: MERGADO 2: We have adapted the component for setting pairing elements to allow any element-path to be set as the one to pair products by when importing the input feed.
  • :apple: MERGADO 2: We fixed and improved the display of products on the Products page:
    • We’ve cleaned up the visual of the tab headers of listed products.
  • Now, when clicking into the values of a specific element/attribute, the product values page will be displayed with the correct target set - i.e. whether to display input or output values for the element-path.
    • :face_with_head_bandage: We fixed a bug that sometimes caused the user preference for how to display products to not be saved.
  • :cherries: The checkbox that allows you to create an experimental Mergado 2 project is now displayed above the input feed URL field in the new project viewer for better visibility.
  • And really a lot of other small improvements and fixes.

You may experience some minor MERGADO downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

August 31, 2022, 15:30 CEST



  • :apple: MERGADO 2: We have added support for Greek :greece: Google Merchants [gr].
  • :green_apple: MERGADO 2: We now support the XML format for Scraping Camel.
  • :cherries: MERGADO 2: Due to the acquisition of the :it: search engine Stileo.it by Glami, the format for Stileo is now split into the old Stileo.it (Until 07/2022), which uses the original XML specification, and then the :star2: new Stileo.it, which now uses the Glami specification.
  • The :articulated_lorry: MERGADO 2 converter from the input Google format now converts the shipping price without currency. Then if the target output format requires currency again, we return it to the value. :recycle:
  • :rocket: MERGADO 2: We have been working on optimizing the import of products from the input feeds. The final speedup may vary case by case, but in testing we measured up to 45 percent faster product imports.
  • :pretzel: In the rule for adding UTM parameters you can now select any target element (or element-path in the case of MERGADO 2 project).
  • :star: :truck: For the Biano format, we have added support for the Set shipping price rule.
  • For this format, we can also now audit shipping price information in our feed audit.
  • :hammer_and_pick: :batch_delivery: For the following formats, we’ve updated the supported carrier lists that can be used in the Set Shipping Price rule:
  • :shield: The data import rule now has a limit on the size of the CSV source if the source is specified as a URL. In that case, the remote file must not exceed 100 MB in size.
  • The :hammer: :audits: MERGADO Audit: We fixed a bug that could cause an email with information about a completed audit to be sent multiple times.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed a bug that could occur when analyzing the input feed when creating a project if the input feed contained “excessively non-valid” HTML (e.g. in elements of type DESCRIPTION where item descriptions are sometimes inserted as HTML).
  • :candy: We fixed the visual highlighting of the NOT IN operator (not in the list) when writing a custom MQL query in the query form.
  • We fixed a bug when whispering values for an element in the query form.
  • We fixed the generation of CSV header when downloading rows in the Bulk rewrite by value rule setting.
  • And also, of course, we’ve added other minor tweaks and fixes here and there.

You may experience some minor MERGADO downtime at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

New version of MERGADO

Release date and time

Wednesday 24 May 2023 15:30


  • :apple: Introducing the user regeneration scheduler.
    • Through it, you can set the ideal time when you want MERGADO to regenerate your project.
    • In the first version, it allows you to set two time slots per day with a minimum of 6 hours apart.
    • :mag_right: You can find it in the user interface under the project on the Regeneration page.
    • For more information about the user scheduler, see :spiral_notepad: in the forum article.

    :information_source: The user scheduler is available only for MERGADO 2 projects.

  • :watermelon: We have updated the specifications for the :czech_republic: :slovakia: Shoptet CSV formats.
    • The pairCode element will now always be present in the output feed.
    • The relationships between the value of the element with the universal MERGADO XML meaning CONDITION and the value of the Shoptet element itemType are as follows:
      • CONDITION = "new" is converted to itemType = "product" and vice versa.
      • CONDITION = "used" is converted to itemType = "bazaar" and vice versa.
    • The element weight (weight) now does not convert units (kg, lb, etc), but only the numeric value.
  • :kiwi_fruit: We have also updated the specifications for the format :czech_republic: :slovakia: Shoptet universal.
  • :cheese: We have improved the format converters for :earth_africa: Kaufland:
    • The value 0 in the element with universal Mergado XML meaning DELIVERY_DAYS will be converted to formats for Kaufland as the value 1 in the handling_time element.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Modifications in auditech feeds:
    • Revised and updated audit feeds for formats from :earth_africa families: Kaufland Marketplace - Offer and :earth_africa: Kaufland Marketplace - product.
    • In general, we have improved the autodetection of formats from the Kaufland family.
    • When displaying results for the validator Element EAN contains an invalid value, we now correctly highlight the EAN element for the product.
  • :rocket: We have implemented optimizer for MQL queries entered by the user on the Products page.
    • Currently it focuses mainly on the following cases:
      • Queries with equality over the same element, i.e. a = 'a' OR a = 'b' OR a = 'c' OR a = ..., are converted to the form a IN ('a', 'b', 'c', ...).
      • Queries with the multiple operator CONTAINS over a single element - that is, a CONTAINS 'a' OR a CONTAINS 'b' are converted to the regular expression form a ~= '(a)|(b)'.

      :information_source: the optimizer operates transparently. That is, externally - from the user’s point of view - the specified MQL remains in unchanged form, but if MERGADO finds that the query could be streamlined before running the query itself, it converts it into a better form in the background.

  • :avocado: UI: The Rules page has been rewritten into more modern code. This will make it easier to improve in the future.
    • As part of this, we have resolved some ailments, such as in certain cases problematic moving rules around app rules when the app rule was at the top of the rules list.
  • :candy: Duplicating a rule within a project now works by inserting the duplicate rule at the position after the original. Previously, the duplicate was inserted at the end of the rule list.
  • And other minor improvements and fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • Individual app rules that have the property is_movable = 1 set and are also prioritized next to each other are blinded together when moved by the user. The user then moves the entire group when moving rules, and the rules in that group maintain their position relative to each other.

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.