MERGADO Marketplaces - NEWS


The Mergado Marketplaces app offers a connection to Allegro (CZ/SK/PL) and Kaufland Global Marketplace (DE/CZ/SK).

:new: Mergado Marketplaces NEWS

2022-08-31T13:30:00Z, the new Mergado Marketplaces app has been released. We have big plans for the app and will be adding features gradually. Mergado Marketplaces will help you pair your product offers to the catalog of the given marketplace, list unique products, sync product data, inventory and statuses.

:information_source: Why Mergado Marketplaces?

  • Quick and easy connection of Mergado with Kaufland and Allegro
  • Synchronization of availability every 15 minutes
  • Regular synchronization of product data
  • Quick and easy product listing
  • Automatic deactivation of the offer when the product is sold out and its activation when it is restocked
  • Fixed price for the e-shop regardless of the number of products or connection to marketplaces
  • Part of Mergado Editor, which allows you to easily make changes to data feeds
  • 30 days free trial
  • Intuitive user interface

MERGADO Marketplaces - 20 - new campaign status indicator


The new version of MERGADO Marketplaces has introduced the following improvements:

  • New indicator that a campaign is currently being regenerated. You will see this on the Campaigns page, in the campaign details and in the bid overview.
  • On the campaign page, we have replaced the availability feed update date with the campaign update date in the campaign list.
  • We’ve adjusted the campaign statuses to better distinguish the differences between marketplaces. So both Allegro and Kaufland have their own statuses.
  • We have hidden the offer synchronization chart.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 21 - application core stabilization


The new version of MERGADO Marketplaces has brought overall improvements and fixes to the core application, making it more stable and user-friendly. Among other things, the synchronization process of the product feed, availability feed and statuses has been improved and you can now find a link to the product card in the offer details for Kaufland as well. A number of other adjustments have also been made to ensure more stable posting of offers to marketplaces.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 22 - adding CONDITION element for Allegro, button for synchronization of product feed and other improvements


Today’s release brought the following new features:

  • New product feed sync button in campaign settings.
  • Addition of CONDITION element for Allegro. Now it is also possible to upload for example used products to Allegro. Please note that for existing Allegro campaigns you need to select a single CONDITION element for the whole campaign in the settings, or pair it with the product feed.
  • Adding a button to pause the offer in Kaufland.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 23 - modifications within Allegro and necessary reconnection


As part of this emergency release, the application will be renamed and moved to another account within Allegro. Due to these necessary fixes, unfortunately all Allegro connections will be interrupted and users will need to re-establish these connections. Without re-establishing connections, the product feed, availability feed and statuses will not sync. We therefore recommend that you renew your connection as soon as possible.

When reconnecting, you may also notice that the MERGADO Marketplaces application requires more permissions than it used to. This is due to the constant development of our application and the addition of new features that will require these permissions to function properly.

To reconnect, simply open our MERGADO Marketplaces application, open the “Connections” section and click on Allegro. In the connection details, then select “Connect” and pair the app with your Allegro account. Once you have successfully connected, you will see a message that you have successfully connected and you will see a pipe icon next to the Allegro connection:

If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 24 - new campaign status, connection and availability feed indicators


This release brings the following new features:

  • The PRODUCT_ID element in Allegro will now be written as a reference number.

  • We have added a campaign status icon, so you can see at a glance if everything is OK with your campaign. In case of serious issues, an exclamation mark will appear next to the campaign name and you can click it to find out more information about the issue.

  • In the campaign settings section, you will now also find the availability feed correctness icon.

  • If there is a problem with the connection, an exclamation mark will also appear right next to the connection section.

  • If the listing is not uploaded to the marketplace, a greyed out icon will appear next to the listing with a link to the marketplace search results so you can see what other listings for that product look like.

  • More minor fixes and improvements.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 25 - new records in history section, marketplace and campaign name and status in the campaign detail


The new version of MERGADO Marketplaces has brought the following improvements:

  • Campaign name, marketplace icon and campaign status are now visible directly in the campaign header for easier navigation within the app.

  • We have localized the error messages and in some cases changed the wording to make the messages more understandable to users.
  • You will no longer encounter the error message “Allegro could not find an exact matching product”, which appears when there are multiple product cards with the same identifier in the Allegro product catalog, only in rare cases. Now our application will evaluate the status of the product cards on Allegro and assign the offer to the best filled one.
  • Now you can change the CONDITION element for Kaufland in the details of each offer.
  • A complete revision of the historical events has been done and you will find new records and interesting data in the history section.
  • Other minor corrections and improvements.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 26 - improvements to Allegro availability changes and information about Allegro base storefront


This minor pre-Christmas release contains the following new features:

  • We have improved the process of updating product availability on Allegro.

  • We have localized new error messages and slightly changed the notation of the message “Allegro is missing mandatory parameters”.

  • We now inform users about the default storefront when creating a campaign and in the campaign settings detail. The base storefront is determined by which marketplace the Allegro account was created in and cannot be changed. Our application currently only supports sales on this default storefront.

  • For a better view of the Kaufland connection, if the connection is working properly, you will see the client key and secret key as asterisks in the Kaufland connection details.

  • A bid sync chart has been made available in the stats section, showing the number of successful and unsuccessful bids uploaded to the marketplace after the last 10 re-generations.

  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

MERGADO Marketplaces - 27 - adding notification settings section and sending offer title, description and images to Allegro


The first release of this year is full of great features and improvements! First of all, we have improved the availability feed synchronization process and the app can now handle empty values in the feed without any problem. Next, we’ve addressed situations where a user turns off or deletes a project that was used to create a campaign in the MERGADO Marketplaces app. In this case, we inform you about it both on the campaign overview in the form of an exclamation mark and an error message, and in the history section.

:star: And we’ll cover the two main news items more below:

Sending menu title, description and images to Allegro.
Until now, our app has worked by taking the offer title, description and images from the product card from Allegro. But now you have the option to send your own product data to Allegro. Just pair the PRODUCT_NAME, DESCRIPTION and IMAGE elements when you create your campaign or in the campaign settings. When additionally pairing these elements in the campaign settings, don’t forget to click on “Sync product feed”.

Please note that there is a difference between the data from the product card and the offer. In the image below, you can see that the name “Nillkin backs for Samsung Galaxy Note 20 1 gold pineapples” is the product name from the Allegro product card (cannot be changed) and “Samsung Galaxy Note phone cover” is the offer name that you can now post on Allegro.

:exclamation: As for the description of the offer, Allegro has some limitations in terms of formatting. Text must have HTML formatting and Allegro supports only selected HTML tags. For more information, see our help here.

Adding a notification settings section
You can now set up notifications in the “Settings” section of the main application menu. Here you can activate notifications for selected issues via email and MERGADO messages. With the notification settings, you can decide for yourself which issues and campaigns you want to be informed about. More information about this new feature can be found here.

Mergado Marketplaces - 31 - remove CURRENCY element for Allegro and add currency by storefront to PRICE element


This release contains the following new features:

  • The application now stores all URLs of images that are under one element. In particular, if you want to store all images that you have for example under the IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE element on Allegro, you just need to pair additional images in the IMAGE field in addition to the preview image when creating a campaign or in the campaign settings. If you will additionally pair the element in the campaign settings, don’t forget to save the change and run a manual re-generation of the entire feed.

  • Users who have Mergado in Slovak had our app in English until now. Now we have chosen Czech as the default language for SK users. If you would like to continue to have our app in English, please select EN as your language in Mergado Accounts, log out and log back in.
  • We have changed the wording of the information messages that you will find when creating a campaign and in the campaign settings.
  • For Allegro, we have removed the option to choose a single currency for the entire campaign or to pair the CURRENCY element and the currency will be automatically populated based on the user’s default storefront on which the bids will be displayed.
  • The currency we send according to the storefront on the marketplace is now also displayed in the PRICE field.

Mergado Marketplaces - 33 - SK Allegro and other minor modifications


This release included several improvements to our new feature for creating product cards on Allegro, most of which are not visible to the user at first glance, but it has greatly improved the functioning of this functionality. In addition, we also added support for :sparkles: So if you have Slovak Allegro as your default storefront, you can use our app to list your deals on that marketplace:

Mergado Marketplaces - 34 - Marketplace category design and selection of sales documents for Allegro


Today’s release brings the following news:

  • We have added the ability to design marketplace categories to the product tab section, which will make the job of matching feed values to marketplace categories easier. If Allegro fails to suggest a suitable category based on a value from the product feed, you can try searching for a matching category using the search engine. Alternatively, of course, the option to select a category using the category tree remains available.

  • For Allegro, it is now possible to select **shipping price and return policy ** when creating a campaign and in the campaign settings. As a result, you will no longer need to have the names of these documents named as “default” in the Allegro administration. In case you want to add or change the documents for the campaign, you need to save the changes and then sync the product feed in the campaign settings.

  • There has been a change in the order of the paired categories in the product tabs section from newest (top) to oldest (bottom). So now the new category pairing box will show at the top of the category list for better orientation.

  • The order of paired elements in the IMAGES column has changed. Elements from the product feed will now be sorted in the order you pair them. The first image from the first paired element will then be used as the preview image in the marketplace.

  • More minor fixes and improvements.

Mergado Marketplaces - 35 - Kaufland product cards and Allegro HANDLING_TIME


In the new version of the app we bring you two big new features in addition to a number of optimizations:

:sparkles: Kaufland product cards

After releasing this feature in the first wave only for Allegro, it is now possible to create new product cards for Kaufland via our app as well. If you get the error message “Product with this EAN was not found in the Kaufland catalogue” in validation, you will need to create a new product card for that product.

To create product cards, you need to pair some elements that were previously optional within the application. For Kaufland these are the elements IMAGES, PRODUCT_NAME, DESCRIPTION and CATEGORY. Detailed procedure can be found in our help for product cards here.

Should you encounter any problems when setting up product cards, please do not hesitate to contact our support.

:sparkles: Element HANDLING_TIME for Allegro

For Allegro, you can now fill in the shipment deadline in the HANDLING_TIME element. This is an optional element that you can either pair to a value from your product feed or choose a single value for the entire campaign.

If you choose to pair this element to your product feed, please note that Allegro only accepts the following values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21, 30, 60.