The planned transfer of all projects to MERGADO 2

In the summer months of this year (2023) all projects will be automatically converted from the original version to the new version of the Editor. We will launch it in bulk, one integration at a time (Heureka, Google). We are dedicating a significant part of our capacity for the conversion so that it will be done in an orderly manner and will not restrict your use of the Mergado Editor in any way.

When will the conversion take place?

The transfer starts 2 June 2023. We will test the conversion on a small sample of projects in early June. This will be followed by several phases:

:point_right: Phase 1.
Projects with the same input and output formats. E.g. Heureka - product → Heureka product. Formats like the just mentioned: Heureka - product, Google Shopping, and Zboží.cz will be converted among the first. Other formats will follow gradually. Complex integrations, such as Shoptet, will be among the last.

:point_right: Phase 2
Projects with different formats.

:point_right: Phase 3
Custom formats.

Transfer plans are subject to change. You will be notified of any developments in this thread.

What will actually change?

The project will be converted to the new version of the Editor. Basic information and changes to the Editor are described in the article What is MERGADO 2.

:bulb:Important information:

  • The output feed will be still available during the conversion. It will not be overwritten for the duration of the transfer. However, it may be out of date for a while.
  • If the conversion fails, the project will revert to its original state. The user will not know anything in this case.
  • In the Editor, you will find useful information in the bulbs regarding the conversion, changes to the application, and links to help.
  • Apps from the Mergado Store are ready for the new version, but the case sensitivity in the Editor changes. For manually created elements that have the same name but different case, and for apps - typically Bidding Fox, Pricing Fox or Feed Image Editor - element names will need to be adjusted.
  • Elements in Mergado 1 that contain a |, i.e. a vertical line symbol in their name (e.g. PARAM|Color) will not exist in Mergado 2 after conversion. In selections, such elements are automatically replaced with Element-Path (the path to the element). However, if such elements are used in applications such as Feed Image Editor, they will need to be modified.
    The *conversion to the new kernel only works for selections, elements, and rules. Other settings and data will be converted without change.
  • Additional rules and elements may be created during the conversion. This case occurs with the Import Data File rule. All information about the conversion will be available in the History.

What do we provide from our side?

We have committed significant development and support capacity to the conversion. Automatic conversion transfers all data and settings from your project.

:white_check_mark: We will additionally check on your project:

  • whether it has been converted correctly
  • whether the import, rule application and export are working properly
  • if all rules are in order
  • whether the warnings are relevant for your project

:wrench: We are ready to fix any errors found within a few hours.

What will we need from your side?

You will be informed about the successful transfer by a message to Mergado, you will find all the extra information in the History and you will also receive a notification to your email.

Although we have several safeguards for the transfer, it is still possible that your project may have some specifics that our system does not know. Therefore, we recommend that you check your project after the transfer is complete. In particular, pay attention to the rules to see if there has been a major change to them. In case of discrepancies, please contact our support.

:newspaper: News - planned transfer (February 1, 2024)

We are continuing with the transfer of projects to Mergado 2. The transfer is taking place under the same conditions as last year.

:information_source: Here are some important information:

  • The output feed will remain accessible during the transfer. It will not be overwritten during the transfer period. However, it may become temporarily outdated.
  • If the transfer is unsuccessful, the project will revert to its original state. Users will not notice anything in this case.
  • In the Editor, you can find useful information related to the transfer, changes in the application, and links to the help section.
  • Elements in Mergado 1 that contain | (vertical bar) in the name, such as PARAM|Color, will not exist in Mergado 2 after the transfer. In selections, such elements will be automatically replaced with the path to the respective element.
  • The transfer to the new core applies only to selections, elements, and rules. Other settings and data will be transferred without any changes.
  • During the transfer, auxiliary rules and elements may be created. This will occur in the case of the Data File Import rule. All transfer-related information will be available in the History.
  • Paused rules will not be transferred.
  • Projects undergo checks during the transfer, and the entire process is monitored.

The transfer applies to all remaining projects. This year, we will transfer the last project from Mergado 1 to Mergado 2. Throughout this period, you can initiate the transfer from your end using the guide in your dedicated thread.