🌟 News and Releases in Mergado

New version of Mergado

Release date and time

Wednesday 10 April 2024 15:30


  • :green_apple: We continue to simplify the user interface of Mergado.
    • Several pages related to project settings (and e.g. the delete project page)_ have been consolidated into one page with several tabs - more about settings in article on our forum.
  • :gear: We’ve optimized the behavior of analyzing the input XML feed in the project creation wizard:
    • In cases where there were a huge number of HTML/XML attributes in XML elements (but also, for example, in HTML elements inside CDATA in XML element values), such analysis could take an extremely long time. The new Mergado should handle such a situation better.
  • :star2: We have added support for additional formats for our automatic category suggestions under the Rename categories in bulk rule. We are now handling smart and automatic suggestions for these integrations:
    • Glami: Global :globe_with_meridians:, Czech Republic :czech_republic:, Slovakia :slovakia:, Poland :poland:, Germany :de:, Bulgaria :bulgaria:, Brazil :brazil:, Spain :es:, France :fr:, Italy :it:, Croatia :croatia:, Hungary :hungary:, Turkey :tr:, Slovenia :slovenia:, Romania :romania:, Latvia :latvia:, Lithuania :lithuania:, Greece :greece:, Estonia :estonia:.
  • :rules: We have slightly improved the filtering behavior of the rules by target elements on the Rules page.
  • From the Help window in the top menu you can now click on:
    • :game_die: EP Playground, where you can try out how to work with elements (and element paths) in Mergado.
    • :movie_projector: A bunch of useful video tutorials to help you get up to speed on basic Mergado interface tasks.
  • :lollipop: UI: We’ve improved the display of some special characters that were not appearing correctly in the β€œentity” names on the project history page.
  • :face_holding_back_tears: UI: We have fixed the position of the user’s avatar in the top left corner of the interface.
  • And other minor fixes and minor improvements.

Platform :wrench:

  • Mergado was not sending webhook process.apply.start about the start of the rule application process when there were zero rules for a project. This is fixed and the webhook is now sent in this case as well.

You may experience minor Mergado outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.