🌟 News and Releases in MERGADO

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

April 21, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :green_apple: We have updated the Srovname.cz format according to the valid specification.
    • We modified the converter, category tree and feed audit.
  • :apple: We have created a new, updated format for :czech_republic: Shopalike XML - and its other language versions.
    • For Austria and Germany, this current specification is available in the formats :austria: Ladenzeile.at XML and :de: Ladenzeile.de XML.
    • Formats for the older version of the specification remain (we marked them as “old”), but they can no longer be used as output formats for newly created projects.
  • :tshirt: Feed audit: For the GLAMI format (for all countries), we now check that the value of the SIZE_SYSTEM parameter represents the GLAMI size system.
  • :star2: When creating a project, we rank the first few formats according to their popularity in the given country.
  • :hammer: In the table view on the Products page, after leaving the editor using the Esc it was not possible to use keys to move between cells. We fixed this.
  • :hammer_and_pick: We’ve resolved a long-standing issue in MERGADO Keychain causing (in marginal cases) the connection to :bar_chart: Google Analytics to unreasonably disconnect.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed the acquisition of product card suggestions from Heureka - the Heureka Watchdog app should again correctly suggest cards for product mapping.
  • For notification emails, we have added translations for :de: German and :hungary: Hungarian languages.

Platform :wrench:

  • In Mergado Developers, it is now possible to set labels for social networks for the app (this can be done for individual supported locales).

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

May 5, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :star: The table view on the Products page has a new upgrade - you can change the width of the columns.
    • We’ve also removed “flickering” when paging products for this type of view. :candy:
  • :rocket: We have optimized the component for XML feed analysis (this analysis precedes the import itself). Thanks to this, the analysis of especially large or complicated XML feeds is many times faster.
  • :gear: For projects with a custom format on the output, elements with attributes can now also be exported.
    • Previously, exporting elements with attributes in the custom format failed :sweat:.
  • :star2: We have improved the format :slovenia: Ceneje.si:
    1. The converter can convert REGULARPRICE and PRICE elements.
    2. As part of the feed audit, we are newly validating the AVAILABILITY and STOCK elements.
  • :apple: Rename categories in bulk rule interface is now more user-friendly.
    • Information about the missing element for categories, on the basis of which the left side would be pre-filled, is visible immediately and not after clicking on the “pre-fill” button.
    • For existing rules, you can filter the rows directly and not after “re-clicking” the “pre-fill” button.
    • If too many lines should be added with the “pre-fill” button (which would affect the performance and response of your browser), then:
      • If 500 lines or more are added - a warning will be displayed.
      • If 2000 lines or more were added otherwise - a warning will be displayed and only the first 2000 rows will be loaded.
  • :cherries: On the main page with an overview of projects, it is now possible to collapse lines with projects for clarity - both for all stores on the page and for a specific store.
  • :spiral_notepad: When saving, form for the Rename categories in bulk rule again discards lines in which both sides are not filled in (this behavior has recently changed - and now we are changing it back based on user feedback).
  • :mantelpiece_clock: We operated with the wrong time zone for Feed audit start and finish times. This is now fixed and the times are displayed correctly.
  • :deciduous_tree: In the Rename categories in bulk rule, we did not suggest all categories from the category tree for the Compari.ro XML format. That is fixed now and we are suggesting all categories.
  • :hammer_and_pick: For the :poland: Nokaut.pl format converter, we converted the DELIVERY_DAYS element with the meaning INSTOCK (in stock). We fixed that and it doesn’t happen anymore.
  • :adhesive_bandage: The converter for :czech_republic: Shoptet kompletni, :czech_republic: Hyperzboží.cz and :slovakia: Tovar.sk formats badly converted multiple elements. This is now fixed.
  • The Heureka Watchdog application had broken :link: product mapping based on Heureka product suggestions. This is now fixed.
  • :partly_sunny: When saving a form on the Product edit page (a separate page with a specific product editor that can be clicked via the pencil icon :pencil2: on the Products page), we may have lost information about the manual hidden element for that product. We’ve fixed that now.
  • We added translations for some of the names of the countries we were missing.
  • Lots of other minor adjustments and repairs.

Platform :wrench:

  • We have removed the functionality for the old, deprecated version of the API.
    • In the old version, product statistics in the API were presented under keys without specifying a source of statistics - e.g. delivery_date instead of the currently supported heureka_delivery_date.
    • We now present the new data only in this second form.

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

May 19, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :star2: The table view on the Products page has more improvements.
    • We have added a button to reset selected columns in the table.
    • We’ve fixed a few little things about focus behavior when editing cell contents.
    • When displaying larger images in a table, the text in the table cells is now centered correctly.
  • :green_apple: In the Feed audit we updated validators for the :slovenia: Ceneje format.
    • The content of the availability, gender and ageGroup elements will be newly validated.
  • :hammer: We fixed a bug in the format converter that converted the value 0 (zero) for the VAT element to the seemingly meaningless 0+E1. Newly, for VAT, 0 will be converted correctly as 0.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed a corner case for the custom format, where the export of the output feed crashed if the custom format had a universal CHANNEL element mapped to a non-root element with an attribute.
  • :candy: UI: When trying to leave a page when editing a rule, variable or macro, a confirmation window is displayed to prevent the loss of unsaved changes.
  • :mag: UI: In the wizard for creating a new project, items can also be filtered by country name when selecting the output format (as is the case with selecting the input format).
    UI: We fixed the behavior of yellow information popups when opening and closing them, which sometimes behaved unpredictably.

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

June 2, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • We have updated the specifications for the Geizhals format group. Specifically, these are:
  • :candy: We’ve extended the timeout to detect the existence of an input feed when creating a new project.
    • We have unified the timeout time (before we “give up” downloading the input feed from the remote server) for the new project wizard with how our backend behaves - the time to download the input feed during project processing :hourglass_flowing_sand: is up to 240 seconds (i.e. 4 minutes).
  • :four_leaf_clover: We have completed the implementation of the “log out everywhere” mechanism.
    • The MERGADO UI will now fully respect “log out everywhere” (this button has been available in the security settings of your Mergado account for some time) - and will log out user sessions on other computers that are logged in as the same user within two minutes.
  • :coffin: The Idealo.pl format can no longer be selected as the output format for new projects - because this Idealo localization no longer works.
  • :adhesive_bandage: We fixed the behavior of multiple elements: EXTRA_MESSAGE and SHOP_DEPOTS in the Zboží.cz format converters.
  • :information_source: If a user in MERGADO has a project that uses an outdated format on the output (i.e. we do not allow creating new projects with this format on the output), a notification will be displayed in the project in the MERGADO UI.
  • :cry: Inadvertently, the links for setting up e-mail notifications and canceling the sending of e-mail notifications have disappeared in our notification emails. This is now fixed.

Platform :wrench:

  • The values of some fields for projects at the endpoint https://api.mergado.com/shops/<id>/projects/ returned null instead of the correct values. This is now fixed.
  • We removed the endpoint https://api.mergado.com/projects/<id>/info/, which has been deprecated since 2019.

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

June 16, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • We’ve added support for new countries for the FAVI format:
  • :coffin: The Tovar.sk format can no longer be selected as the output format for new projects - due to the fact that this service does not work.
  • :dollar: We fixed a bug that prevented us from downloading the current minimum CPC definitions for categories from Heureka.cz.
    • This affects, for example, the CPC Setting rule, which will now work correctly again in the minimum CPC mode - according to current price lists.
  • :adhesive_bandage: For UK formats we incorrectly had the currency in :eu: euros (EUR) instead of :pound: british pounds (GBP). We fixed that.
  • :evergreen_tree: In the project dashboard, we always displayed an information box for projects with the output custom format that the given custom format is not supported on the output. We fixed this and the box is no longer displayed in such a situation (custom format is by definition a user format and has no “support” status).
  • :pineapple: On the Products page, we fixed the display of images for a product if the image URL contained a space.

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

June 30, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :star2: MERGADO supports a new format :de: Kaufland.de (CSV).
    • We can also audit this new format.
  • :apple: We updated the :czech_republic: Heureka.cz and :slovakia: Heureka.sk formats and integrated the latest news in feed specification.
    • Among other things, this means we support the new EXTENDED_WARRANTY (or EXTENDED_WARRANTY|DESC) and SPECIAL_SERVICE (which we also check during the feed audit).
    • For both language versions of the Heureka format, we have updated the lists of supported carriers (which we also check during the feed audit).
  • :green_apple: We’ve modified the feed audit specification for Google Shopping format.
    • We will now accept the TITLE and G:TITLE and LINK and G:LINK elements - not just TITLE and LINK.
  • :candy: Gadget: Now you can select a specific source from which the data will be retrieved in the Analytics of a specific project.
    • Previously, data in Analytics was always aggregated according to the order of resource priorities defined by us - this option is of course still maintained.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We had a bug in tracking the product as it passed through the rules, preventing us from saving a change from “some value” to “empty value” in the changes. We’ve fixed it now…
  • A number of texts and translations in the Mergada UI have been revised.
  • And other minor improvements and fixes.

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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New version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

Wednesday 13th of July 2021 15:30 GMT+2


:star2: New and improved form for creating and managing queries :star2:

  • new form let’s you create queries *with more conditions * easily, improved whisperer, intuitive operating and much more…
  • *fast * fulltext product *searching * without creating queries
  • obviously the possibility of writing your own MQL is still available
  • because this will be a major implementation *please give us feedback * - either via e-mail or *here, in the forum after the release *
  • an article about all the new features will be released later.

Preview of new form (including MQL)

New administration of queries

More news

  • now you can use the category whisperer for rules in the :de: Kaufland CSV format


  • we added an option of creating more development stages for you
  • for implementation contact our tech support

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please [contact us] (Contact na naše specialisty | Mergado.com).

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

July 28, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :candy: In the wizard for creating a new project, it is now better to see which step of the wizard the user is currently in thanks to the new icons.
  • :blue_book: We now correctly display product titles in Facebook formats, because we take the values of the TITLE and LINK elements in addition to G: TITLE and G: LINK.
  • :apple: We’ve worked on better integration of MERGADO with MERGADO Pack.
  • :postal_horn: We are moving the sending of emails to welcome new users to MERGADO and about the approaching end of the trial period to the new system, which will serve as a comprehensive email guide for MERGADO users.
  • Other minor fixes.

You may notice minor outages of MERGADO during the release time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

August 11, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :star2::green_apple: Based on user feedback :heart: we return the simple list of saved queries back to the Products main page next to the filter form.

    • :mag: You can search in the simple list, highlight the currently selected query, and see the number of items for each query. The entire list can also be hidden or revealed.
    • The new query manager - which provides more management options - remains.
    • :information_source: For the save buttons - Save as new and Save changes - we have adjusted the order according to their use. The primary and more commonly used action is now on the right.
  • :candy: For better orientation in the UI, we have added a link directly to the new Query manager to the main menu.

    • screenshot-dev.mergado.com-2021.08.10-15_54_25
  • :star::apple: Based on a user’s suggestion, we improved the import of queries.

    • The query will no longer be imported as “custom MQL”, but when importing we will keep the form in which the query was defined.

      :open_umbrella: If the target project is missing an element that was currently used by the imported query, it is visible at first glance and it is up to the user to correct the situation (ie to have the G:PRICE element in the query imported from Google project into the Heureka.cz project replaced with the PRICE_VAT element in the query form).

  • :hammer_and_wrench: In the feed audit view, we handled situations where loading large amounts of data for the results of certain validators ended in error.

    • This could have happened primarily with XYZ element contains a value that is not unique type of validators, when too many products share a specific non-unique value, which we then displayed in the UI all at once.
    • Newly, a maximum of 20 products will be listed under the specific result of this type of validator in the UI. When downloading the CSV with the results of the validator all products will be downloaded.
  • :world_map: When validating URLs during a feed audit, we considered addresses with a hyphen (which is a different character than the classic hyphen -) to be invalid. We’ve fixed this and the hyphen in the URL is now considered a valid character.

  • :adhesive_bandage: We’ve returned help texts to the feed audit UI, which used to appear under individual validators, but were removed recently…

  • We have removed the “fake” error messages that appeared when the form for changing pairing elements was successfully saved.
    And a number of other minor changes and improvements…

Platform :wrench:

  • :mailbox_with_mail: We’ve added support for custom footer texts that MERGADO sends to users as notifications about your apps.
    • In :mergado::hammer_and_wrench: Mergado Developers, a new Promotion item has been added to the app management menu, where these custom texts can be defined.
      It is possible to use the classic Markdown for styling the message.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

August 28, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :star2: :green_apple: We have added a new version of the :hungary: Árukereső.hu format according to the current specification - both the Árukereső.hu XML and Árukereső.hu CSV options.
    • To maintain compatibility with existing projects (there were many differences between the old and new specification), these are completely new :baby:t2: formats.
    • The older :older_adult:t3: format is now referred to as Árukereső.hu (until 8/2021) - and this cannot be set as output for newly created projects.
    • Of course, we can also audit the new XML and CSV formats :muscle:t4:.
  • :candy: We added element labels to the UI from the latest Mergado XML specification.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We have investigated and improved the mechanism that provides information about downloading the output feeds of your projects to the interface.
    • This should prevent situations where the project history could display outdated output feed download data.
  • :candle: We have optimized the XML structure parsing for the custom format - we have measured more than a tenfold speedup for larger XML files. :racehorse:
  • For formats with output file type JSON on the project dashboard, we now correctly list the JSON label instead of XML.
  • Other minor improvements and fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • :hammer: We fixed a bug in the Developers interface that was occurring when trying to save app tags.

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

September 8, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :apple: :star2: We support the new Kaufland.de (Angebotsdaten) format.
    • The CSV file specification is available here.
    • The new format is supported by our format converter as well as our audit.
    • The existing (and until now only) format for Kaufland.de is now renamed to Kaufland.de (Produktdaten).
  • :green_apple: We have updated the audit for the Árukereső.hu format, where we now consider null values of 0 for the PRICE and NETPRICE elements to be invalid.
  • :sun_behind_small_cloud: the code of the Rule form has been upgraded.
    • As a result, this also means new features for users - e.g. that we can now export rows from multiple types of bulk (multi-line) rules as CSV.
    • It also means better options for future enhancements to the form.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: In the Markdown text editor (e.g. editing the description of a user macro) in Firefox you could not scroll outside the area where the cursor was currently located. We fixed this.
  • :candy: We fixed the behavior of drop-down lists when selecting items using the keyboard.
  • We fixed a number of minor bugs manifesting in the client-side (browser) UI code.
  • We have improved some English translations in the UI.

Platform :wrench:

  • In the Markdown text editor (e.g. editing texts for **Mergado Store in Firefox, it was not possible to scroll outside the area where the cursor is currently located. We fixed this.
  • You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

September 22, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


Application development is not just about continuously adding new features. From time to time it is necessary to look back a little and solve the bugs and unpleasantness that inevitably accumulate during development.

:sunflower: In the last few weeks, we have been focusing on bug fixes and taming the technical debt.

  • :rocket: We are also exploring and testing ways to increase MERGADO’s performance through infrastructure enhancements.
  • :hammer_and_pick: Kaufland.de, the delivery_time_min element was exported twice. We have fixed this.
  • :candy: We are working on modernizing the code of the frontend, which will give us better options for future improvements and development.
  • :adhesive_bandage: UI: We fixed another inconsistent behavior when controlling the selectbox with the keyboard.
  • :spider_web: UI: When getting new notifications in browser windows with open stores that the currently logged in user does not have access to, we were getting a 500 error from our server instead of a 403 HTTP error. This situation occurs, for example, when a user “uncontrollably” switches the accounts he is logged into MERGADO with in one browser. We have fixed this.
  • :building_construction: As last time, we have fixed many minor bugs in the client-side (browser) UI code.
  • :bar_chart: We also spent time improving the internal monitoring of the individual components that make up MERGADO. This will give us better information about problems that can potentially occur during operation.
  • We have also fixed a number of other bugs.

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

October 6, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2


  • :hammer_and_pick: In the rounding rule, we fixed marginal cases where it could sometimes happen that we rounded the decimal numbers differently than one would expect.
    • While, for example, the number 5975.50 was rounded correctly to 5976, for example the number 2966.50 was rounded incorrectly to 2966, although one would expect the result 2967. :sweat: This will not happen again.
  • :green_apple: Repairman: We fixed a bug that prevented running feed audits inside the app.
  • UI: We’ve handled situations where the anchor links page has moved to an exact location.
  • :candy: UI: In the rules form, we have unified icon labels for multiline rule types.
  • :uk: We have fixed a large number of typos in the texts of the English localization of the user interface.
  • Další drobné opravy.

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the time indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

October 20, 2021, 15:30 GMT+2

Development is not just about new things all the time. There aren’t many this week, but we’re working hard on the “guts” of MERGADO to make the app better for you.


  • :hammer_and_wrench: We have fixed the occasional jamming audits. Currently, the stuck audits will restart and run
  • :information_source: For Bulk Rules we added information about what happens to empty rows on the right


  • The form for editing language mutations now appears the same as in the Store

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

November 3, 2021, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :green_apple: Improved parsing of input XML feeds - we now correctly identify element names that contain non-standard characters in an attribute.
    • Previously, we had a problem detecting these elements :sweat: and this complicated importing more complex feeds, on which the user wanted to deploy custom format.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We fixed a bug in the converter from Google formats that was mixing up the order of multiple elements.
  • :mailbox_with_mail: We did not send the name of the online store the project belongs to in the body of the email notification of end of app trial period associated with the project.
    • We have fixed this and the store name will now appear correctly in the email.
  • Other minor fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • :mag: In the API, it will be possible to filter entities based on their attribute values.
  • :star: There is a new endpoint in the API where information about known - but not necessarily currently present - products for a given project is available.
    • URL of the endpoint: https://api.mergado.com/projects/<project_id>/pairings/.
    • Documentation: Mergado · Apiary
    • :warning: the endpoint is in test mode - the form of this endpoint, or the data returning from it, may still change.

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

November 18, 2021, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :apple: For the :de: format of Idealo.de CSV, based on the current specification, we changed the column separator in CSV to ; semicolon (previously used comma).
  • :green_book: For large and complex projects on the Products page, we are now optimizing downloading CSV with products.
    • That is, if a project contains a really large number of products and also a large number of hiding rules, we will now not provide information in the resulting CSV about whether the product is hidden by a rule or not (what used to happen otherwise was that the CSV could not be downloaded at all). :sweat:
    • :bulb: At the same time, we are now making this detection of “large and challenging projects” slightly smarter.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: We fixed another bug in the converter from the :world_map: Google and Facebook formats, where the values of the source elements remained in the output when converting multiple elements.
  • :candy: UI, Rules: When selecting queries in the Bulk rewrite by query rule, we now show number of products and query type (input/output) for specific queries.
  • :mag: UI: When loading the main store overview page, we no longer discard the search string that may have been defined in the page URL.
    • The search string and the search itself will now be properly preserved when the page is loaded.
  • :candle: UI: A magnifying glass icon is now displayed next to a number of text fields used for searching in the UI for better clarity.
  • UI: We have fixed the overlapping icons and text for the sort settings on the Products page.
  • UI: We have fixed the column widths for editing parameters of user macros, which were sometimes wrong.
  • And other minor improvements and fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • We fixed an interface bug that was occurring when editing the app rules.

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

1 Like

A new version of MERGADO

Deployment date and time

January 19, 2022, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :green_apple: For the :czech_republic: Heureka.cz and :slovakia: Heureka.sk formats, we now support the SALES_VOUCHER element.
  • :star2: In the query manager, you can see a :pie: pie chart next to the number of products, from which you can easily see what proportion of the total number of products in the project the query contains.
  • :candy: We have improved the whispering of names when creating new elements on the Elements page.
  • :1234: Queries. We fixed a bug that made it impossible to enter negative numbers for the <, >, <=, >= operators in the query form. Now it is possible.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: :mailbox_with_mail: Repeatedly sending an invitation to the MERGADO store to the email of a not yet registered user contained an error that caused the repeated invitation not to be sent. We have fixed this.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: :spider_web: We also fixed a bug that caused the project history to not show output feed downloads if such downloads were over an insecure HTTP connection.
    • This does not apply to downloading output feeds over a secure HTTPS connection (that should ideally always be used) - that was and still is displayed correctly in the project history.
  • :shield: Buttons for launching a feed audit (e.g. on the project overview page) are now better protected against unintentional multiple starts of the same audit.
  • :candle: And other minor fixes and improvements… E.g.
    • We have improved a number of :hungary: Hungarian translations of labels and texts in the MERGADO interface.
    • :newspaper: long texts for elements on the page are now properly wrapped when editing a macro.
    • In the :fox_face: Firefox browser, a nasty scrollbar appears on the main page after clicking “Hide all exports” next to the store list. That’s fixed.

Platform :wrench:

  • :hammer_and_wrench: We fixed the filtering for the endpoint https://api.mergado.com/queries/<id>/products/.
    • This endpoint should now also retrieve data more efficiently and therefore return data faster.
  • :mailbox: Developers of a specific app (i.e. users who belong to its vendor) will see the name and contact email of the user who rated the app in the app details in the Mergado Store next to the user ratings, in addition to the stars and text.
  • :adhesive_bandage: In Developers, the “select” to select the stage app could “jump” if the side menu was collapsed. This is fixed.
  • :world_map: In Developers, it is possible to select supported languages for apps (i.e. languages in which the app can display its UI).
    • After selecting the languages, this information will be displayed in the app details in the MERGADO Store.

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

February 2, 2022, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :star2: :four_leaf_clover: In the query manager, we have added a shortcut for creating a rule for each query.


  • :apple: We’ve simplified the process of importing queries from Project A into Project B.
    • Now the source project can be selected separately - even without first selecting the source online store.
  • :hammer_and_pick: We fixed a bug that occurred when trying to edit an existing CPC setting rule.
  • :adhesive_bandage: A button was available on the project overview to start the audit of the output feed, even though the output feed did not yet exist (e. g. when the initial processing when creating the project ended with an error). We have fixed this.
  • :rocket: We have improved the logic for UI optimization within projects that have a huge number of elements (i. e. thousands, tens of thousands, but even more).
    • :thinking: If the elements in the project exceed a specific number in certain places in the interface where these elements are to be listed (e. g. a list of known elements in the query form or the rule editing form), then we do not list all elements but select only a subset of the most important ones. It is because the user-side browser may not be able to handle these element volumes otherwise :sweat: and in such situations, Mergada either loads pages for a very long time or even stops responding altogether.
      • This ensures that even though there are a huge number of elements in the project, you can still work with it “somehow”; important elements are available (e. g. in the rules form) - and we hide the less important elements.
    • Until now, we considered the most important elements to be elements that are not embedded or multiple - that is PRODUCTNAME, CATEGORYTEXT, PRICE_VAT, … However, once the element name contained a vertical bar |, we hid it in the forms.
      • :cold_sweat: Such a solution has the disadvantage that in addition to the elements IMAGE|12073, IMAGE|12074, … _- for which there is a low probability that the user will want to work with them in targeted queries or rules - it also hides elements such as IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE|2 or DELIVERY|CESKA_POSTA, with which the user often wants to work…
    • :heart_eyes: The new solution is we hide only those elements that have a three-digit and multi-digit number behind the vertical bar.
      • I. e. elements like IMGURL_ALTERNATIVE|2 or DELIVERY|CESKA_POSTA for such projects we will no longer hide, but elements IMAGE|12073, IMAGE|12074, … we will keep hiding.
    • Thanks to this change, we were able to radically reduce the above-mentioned “fixed number” of elements, beyond which the UI optimization is activated - thus speeding up the interface of many huge projects - without risking offering important elements in the forms. :smiling_face:
      • :thought_balloon: This change also means that for projects with a “huge number of elements” the default page listing behavior on the Elements page changes from Hide Multiple or Submerged Elements to Hide Unimportant Elements. With the fact that through the check box Show all submerged, it is possible to list all elements - i. e. submerged and non-submerged (such a option has already existed there).

You may experience a minor MERGADO blackout at the times indicated. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

February 16, 2022, 15:30 GMT+1


  • :information_source: We are starting the initial phase of moving to a new IP address from which MERGADO is going to download your input feeds.
    • MERGADO can now access your input feeds from the IP address Until then, the download of feeds always came from the IP address
    • :thinking: What does this mean for you? If you use IP address filtering to secure access to your input feeds, also allow access for IP address We are going to use the current IP address for some time, but we plan to disable it.
  • :green_apple: We’ve accelerated the data preparation logic for the Setup CPC bidding rule. Therefore, the application of this rule should now be a bit faster.
  • :hammer: We fixed the display of the dashboard of projects with TSV or TXT format.
  • We fixed adding metadata to output feeds.
    • UTF-8 is properly capitalized in XML files: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.
    • Additional metadata for formats:
      • :world_map: Google: <title>{eshop_name}</title><link>{eshop_url}</link>
      • RSS: <title>{eshop_name}</title><link>{eshop_url}</link><description>{eshop_name}</description>
      • :mergado: MergadoStats: <DATE>{date}</DATE>
      • :poland: SmartBay.pl: <num>{product_count}</num>
      • :poland: Skapiec.pl: <time>{datetime}</time>
      • :greece: Skroutz.gr: <created_at>{datetime_colon}</created_at>
      • :greece: Bestprice.gr: <date>{datetime_colon}</date>
  • And other minor fixes.


Our login service also received news and improvements! :bird:

    • Minor changes in the form for registration and setting of billing data.
    • We have changed the text of the third reminder - it will now be different from the first two texts.
    • Tax documents for paid advance invoices are going to be sent twice a day - at 9 am and 3 pm.

Platform :wrench:

  • The test ping hook will no longer display the call result for the correct stage app and not for all stages.

You may experience minor MERGADO outages at this time. Thank you for your understanding and patience in deploying the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

A new version of MERGADO

Release date and time

March 2, 2022, 15:30 CET


  • We make it easy to work with text throughout the application. You can now use the cross to empty text fields with a cross. :heavy_multiplication_x:
  • The Idealo channel prefers CSV, so we decided to remove the Idealo XML format from the available output formats for new projects.
  • Output feeds of projects with the formats shopzilla, miinto, pricegrabber are now exported with the correct extension.
  • :bug: We fixed a bug when exporting to Google sheet, where not all elements were exported.
  • Outdated formats (e.g. Arukereso until 8/2021) will no longer be marked as highlighted in the new export wizard.
  • :top: We have improved format detection. In the case where a feed matches multiple formats, we will offer the format that is missing fewer elements from the specification.
  • :bug: The special left panel for the Google Shopping format no longer jumps.
  • We have added several missing translations to the English version of the app.
  • In MERGADO Store we fixed misaligned text in the basic information block.
  • We updated the documentation for the Mergado Category XML and Mergado Analytic formats.
  • We have edited the message in Table View to better explain how to work with input and output values.
  • And other minor fixes.

Platform :wrench:

  • :new: Our new public IP for feed sources is

You may experience some minor MERGADO outages at that time. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we deploy the new version.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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