WordPress 6.6 is here!

Hello WordPress buddies,

In mid-July 2024, the new WordPress 6.6.1 version was publicly released :partying_face:. We recommend to still be cautious with updating on live websites. We are already boldly testing new version on our test e-shops along with our Mergado Pack plugin for WooCommerce.

So far, everything seems to be working :white_check_mark:

A brief overview of the new features in version 6.6:

  • Block Editor: Integration of Gutenberg v17.8-18.5, bringing further iterations of the Interactivity API, Block API, Block Bindings API, and more.
  • Options API: Changes in handling autoloading options to improve performance by not autoloading large options.
  • Preparations for React 19 include integrating the new React JSX transform and deprecating certain features to avoid bugs or unintended behavior.
  • HTML API: Introducing a new text decoder and a new token map data structure.
  • Dropping support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1.

A nicely written overview of the new features and changes can be found in the WordPress 6.6 Field Guide article. You can also visit the official WordPress.org blog.

You can try our demo shop with the updated WordPress on pack.mergado.com. Find out how our FREE Mergado Pack plugin for WooCommerce can help you.
